Frankie_Blue, Ebersbach, Germany


Posted Apr 16, 2010, 7:20 pm
Hi folks!
Today a funny guy who is looking like me visited us, Snuttig from Austria. He told me everything about being a ToyVoyager. I liked this idea immediately, so I asked my Mummy to make me a TV.

Here I am, ready for my first adventure.


Posted Apr 26, 2010, 7:38 pm
I am on my way to Italy now. I have some delicious sweets in my luggage to win my first host's heart :)

Italy - I'm coming!!!


Posted May 4, 2010, 8:58 am
Hi Mummy,

I'm in Italy! I've just arrived and I'm fine. My host says she's so happy to have me here!
I have a lot of things to do and to see but my host says I'd better go to sleep now  because tomorrow an hard work is waiting for us... I don't know what is going to happen!

Bye for now

Posted May 5, 2010, 9:45 am
Hi Mom,
look what has happened! Some workers arrived and started breaking eveything... there was so much noise! My host told me that they're working to make a new bathroom. Of course I wanted to have a look around...
Sorry but now I have to go, I think they need my help to go on with their works!

Posted May 9, 2010, 4:12 pm
Hi mum,
a flower for you on Mother's day with all my love!

Posted May 9, 2010, 7:39 pm
Hi Frankie,
thank you very much :D


Posted May 18, 2010, 2:16 pm
Hi mom,
today I'm back to the Medieval time! I'm in Milan visiting the castle called Sforzesco, luckily it doesn't rain, we had so much rain in the last days!
Hope you're fine.

Posted May 25, 2010, 10:12 am
Hi mummy,
guess what? I'm going to the seaside! My host says we need to relax, to swim and to take the sun for some days.
I've taken my sun cream and I'm trying to close the suitcase... I ask Randolph to help me!
Bye mum, I'll write you again soon!

Posted May 26, 2010, 8:22 pm
Hi mom,
this morning I get up so early, a train is waiting for us!
I'm leaving to go to the searide!!!
A few hours later we are in Marotta (Pescara), I think we'll have a great time here!

Posted May 26, 2010, 8:45 pm
Here some pictures!

Posted May 27, 2010, 6:15 am
Sorry mummy, yesterday I had some problem posting photos (I'm doing it using my host's phone), now I'm trying again!

Posted May 30, 2010, 8:24 pm
Hi mummy,
today I'm playing on the beach, I like the sand and I'm having a big fun!!!

Posted Jun 3, 2010, 2:22 pm
Hi mummy,
I'm hungry this morning and nothing is better than a good breakfast to start a day!
It's a sunny day and the sea is waiting for me.

Posted Jun 7, 2010, 2:23 pm
Hi mom,
after our holiday at the seaside we decided to visit Bologna. We took a train and in a couple of hours we arrived.
Bologna is a beautiful town, we went to the Cathedral of St. Petronio, we saw the most important buildings like the palaces of the government, the Neptune fountain and the tower called "Donkeys Tower" which is the symbol of the town. You can see a lot of red flags... it's because Italy is celebrating the 150° anniversary of its Republic!
As soon as we arrived in Milan we saw that some new toy voyagers were waiting for us... I'll introduce them to you very soon!

Posted Jun 21, 2010, 9:46 am
Hi mummy,
I've learnt how to prepare a typical Italian dish: pasta with tomatoes!

Recipe ingredients (for 4 people or 4 toyvoyagers):

400 gr pasta
1 onion
a tablespoon of oil
4 ripe tomatoes
a fewf basil

Put to boil in a large pot water in abundance.
Wash and cut tomatoes.
Cut the onion into thin slices and put it together with the oil in a pan to cook.
When it is lightly browned add tomatoes, basil and salt
Cook the sauce for at least 10 minutes
When the water boils, salt it and pour the pasta
Mix it for a minute and do it several times because they tend to stick during cooking
Drain and add the sauce

Enjoy your meal!!!

Posted Jun 28, 2010, 10:24 am
Hi mum,
I spent the week end to the mountain. We left from Tirano, a beautiful town close to the Swiss border. From there we took the "little red train" for a touristic trip through the Alps. The red and white flag of Switzerland was waiting for us! On the train there was a map of our route.
Wait my next upload to see where I arrived!

Posted Jun 28, 2010, 10:41 am
Here I'm in Switzerland!
I saw wonderful landscapes, lakes, mountain streams and, in the end, the glaciers!
Then I arrived in St. Moritz, a few pictures and a visiti in the neighbourhood, do you like these places?

Posted Jul 20, 2010, 2:41 pm
Hi mummy,
I was so busy preparing my journey to my new host that I forgot to post my last pictures in Italy before I left!
My Italian host is doing it for me...

Posted Jul 24, 2010, 1:31 am
Hi Mom!!

I arrived safely at my host's house in Richlands, North Carolina.  My host says I look a lot like Snuttig!! Snuttig was here for a visit at Christmas time and I saw all his photos!!  It is VERY HOT and HUMID here!! Today was 106!!!  I was really glad to get out of my envelope!!  I had a long flight over the Atlantic from Italy.  Here I am getting out of my envelope!!

After I got out and had a nice stretch I felt something tap me on the shoulder.  It was two other TVs.. one is a Canadian Eagle named Landroval and the other is a Russian Beaver named Beaver.  Beaver has been here for a few months and Landroval has been here for almost a month.  They both told me I am going to have a lot of fun here!

My host told me that one of her TVs is named Boo Boo and he is a blue bear.  His life
missions are very similiar to mine!!  My host said that the Blue Ridge Parkway is in North
Carolina but it is a seven hour drive to reach it!!  I am going to see some photos of it online!  I smelled something really good cooking and it was time for me to go eat Dinner.
I had a delicious meal of Tandori chicken, Goya flavored rice, black beans and Garlic Naan bread.  It was VERY tasty!!

Ok well I am now going to go watch a movie called *Hot Tub Time machine* it is suppose to be really funny!! I am safe and sound and having fun!!


Posted Jul 30, 2010, 12:55 am
Hi Mom!!
Today my host had 24 hour duty on the Marine base so we took him Taco Bell for dinner and visited the base!  You need a special clearance to get out on the flight line, we got special top secret clearance to go in and look around!!

Here we are at the gate waiting for our host to come and buzz us through the gate.

We sat on a very cool staircase that went upstairs to the Duty hut.

My host explained that the famous battles that the Marines had fought in were the ones painted on the walls.  Here we are with a few of them.

Once we got upstairs we got our yummy Taco Bell food out and ate it all up!!

After we ate, we went down to the Helicopter Bay.  We got to see the CH53 and the V22 Osprey helicopters.  Here we are with the CH53... this helicopter can hold 50 Marines and pick up 20,000 lbs of gear!!  Our host usually gets to take us inside the helicopters but there were too many people around... we still had fun though!!

Here we are standing in front of the CH53...look how BIG it is!!

On our way back to the car we took a quick photo of the V22 Osprey.  These are the newest helicopters and they have two rotar heads on them!! You can see both rotars on each side of the helicopter.  When they go up in the air the blades come up and over the top of the helicopter!!! we see them flying over the top of our house every single day!!

We had a lot of fun being honorary Marines for the day!! we got to see things that very few people have access too!!  hope your having a great day!!

Posted Aug 20, 2010, 12:34 am
Hi Mom!!!
Just wanted to do a quick update!  We have not done anything news worthy lately so I thought I would take a few photos of me and my TV friends cooking dinner!!

We all went out to the mailbox today and there was a beautiful postcard from Las Vegas!!  One of my host's TVs named Bart is out in Las Vegas and having a great time!  He sent us a postcard from Ceasers Palace!! Here we are with the postcard.

I asked my host what and where is Las Vegas.....we keep seeing really funny television commercials that say *What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas*.  My host says Las Vegas is like its very own country for adults LOL  it is located in Nevada out in the middle of the desert and it is spectacular to see at night!!

Tonight we cooked dinner.  We made 18 bean soup, potato salad and hot biscuits.  We had to soak the beans overnight in water and then today we cooked it and added smoked sausage and tomatos,  It was very tasty!!

Here we are getting ready to put the biscuits in the oven.

We are going to go to the movies and see *Eat,Love and Pray* we hear it is very good and my host loves Julia Roberts!! it has been 99 degrees with 100% humidity the entire month of host says hopefully next month it will drop into the 80s!  Can you believe 80 degrees in September??? well I am off to go watch a bunch of shows that have been recorded off the DVR..... *Army Wives*  *Rescue Me* and *Mad Men* are waiting for us to watch!! have you heard of these shows??  Mad Men is my hosts favorite and I have to admit the story line is fantastic!! talk to you later!!  ;)

Posted Sep 5, 2010, 10:32 pm
Hi  Mom!
This weekend we went to the Marine Base where my host works.  They had a family day down at the Marina.  We got to play on the big slides, go for a boat ride and eat lots of yummy food!! You will see I am with a lot of BLUE toys on the playground :)

Before we get out in the Canoe we read that the water has alligators!!! Beaver tells us that it will be ok,  He  talks  to the alligators and explain we are TVs and we want to have some fun!

It was a really fun day!! we were really tired when it was time to go home!!! Hope you had a good weekend!!

Posted Sep 14, 2010, 12:11 am
Hi Mom!!!!
How are you???  We just got back from the race track!! This was my first time and it was sooo much fun!!  I am becoming a expert rider!!! I got to go in my first race!! My host put me inside his leathers and took me in the middleweight Superbike class!! hahaha! I got up to 175 mph on the front straight!!  We traveled back up to Summit Point, West Virginia for some fun racing!! The weather was nice and sunny and I had my two friends with me Landroval and Beaver.  This was my first time to the track, Beaver and Landroval have been here before, so they showed me around.

Here we are in the hallway ready to load our suitcases and get comfy for the 7 hour drive.

We go over to one of my hosts friends pit and check out his race bike.  His team is called *Angry Snowman racing* lol you can see right in front of this photo a sticker of the angry Snowman :)

Here we are with the Angry Snowman banner.

Here we are on the Snowmans race bike.

It gets late out so we go to bed.  We know we have a lot of work to do in the morning. 

After some coffee we start working on my hosts race bike.  Here we are in the tool box doing the best we can!

After the bike is prepped we have to go buy some special race gas called U4 *VP* fuel..... my host says VP should stand for *Very Pricey* lol it is $85.00 for five gallons!!

Next we go over to the Pirelli Tires vendor and pick up a new pair for the set of tires will last only three host says she tries not to think about the money they spend on the tires lol!

Now it is time to race!!! here we are watching my host!! I know it is hard to see but he is the second bike in the blurry background.  We cheer him on!!

Here we are over at turn #10.  You can see all the bikes racing in the background behind us.

This is a very special weekend because the sidecars are here!!! These are two people motorcycles and they are soo exciting to watch!! we are down by the James Bond 007 bike on the you see us?? these were so neat!!

At night we each get a bottle of Boones Farm to celebrate the fun weekend with!! It is kind of a joke to drink this drink as it is VERY cheap!!! but it is soo tasty!!

I had a really good time and met some new friends.  I have been really enjoying learning all about Motorcycle racing.  We have to repack everything since we are going to the LAST race of the year which will be held at Virginia International Raceway....this is our hosts favorite track...and it is only 3 and a half hours away!!  This will be taking place September 23-26th.  A huge crowd will be in attendence as it is the last event of the race year for my hosts riding club.  I heard Darcie say she is ready for her credit card to take a break :) 

Hugs and kisses!
Frankie Blue

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 12:31 am
Hi Mom!!!

Today Nijntje arrived from The Netherlands with Lucan.  They have been to Jordan!!! They get out of their travel envelope and come  and tell us all about their travels.

We have been REALLY busy getting ready for the last  motorcycle race next weekend at Virginia International Raceway!!  I feel like a Motorcycle expert now!  I am also told that my host is selling his motorcycle because he has a brand new one that we are picking up on Tuesday!!  I work hard with the other TVs to get the bike that is for sale all nice and tuned up and then I help load the trailer for next weekend.

I heard we are going back to the Marine base again but this time we are going to FLY the helicopters!!! I cant wait!!

Frankie Blue


Posted Oct 2, 2010, 11:04 pm
Hi Mom!!
My host took us back to the Marine Corps Air Station where he works and we got to sneak out on to the flight line! 

Do you know where we are?? We waited till no one was around and got inside the helicopter!! Here we are at the controls!!

Here we are in the CO Pilots seat ready for take off!!

Here we all are inside my hosts hat looking out the back of the helicopter.

This is us outside the V22 *Osprey* helicopter.  This is the ONLY place in the world that they are kept!!

Here we are sitting on one of the V22 Rotar blades.  The blade is made out of Carbon Fiber and costs one million dollars a piece!! You can see the V22 sitting in the background waiting for us to go on a ride!!

I will post photos from the very last motorcyle race of the year that I just got back from when I get some more free time :)


Posted Oct 11, 2010, 1:15 am
Hi Mom!!!
I have uploaded the photos from the last motorcycle race of the year.  We had a fantastic time!  The race was at Virginia International raceway.  This is our hosts favorite track and it is located in a very beautiful part of Virginia.  Here are my photos!!

Here we are on the scooter getting ready to go for a ride!!

We were parked right next to a very good friend of my hosts.  His name is Jim and he races two bikes.  Here we are sitting on the bikes and checking them out!! They are both Yamaha R6s.

We set up our pit area and got the computer out so we could check the weather and surf the internet.

We make chicken burritos for dinner!!! they are soo good!!

Parked on the other side of us is our friends from New York, Danny and Gian.  Here we are on Gians motorcycle.  He went on to win lots of trophies on Saturday and Sunday.

Here we are on the winners podium!! we get on the first place box and pose for a photo. :)

Here we are with our friends dog.  He wanted to pick us up and chew on us but my host made sure that did not happen!! hahaha!

Here we are on on the track waiting to see the start of the race.  You can see our host on the red bike on the front row.  We love watching how fast the bikes go!!

We had a wonderful time watching everyone and we were sad to see the racing season come to a end.  The fun part is our host and his friends took us out on the track during one of the races!!! you could not see us because we were tucked inside the leathers!! I got to go sooo fast and I had sooo much fun!!

Frankie Blue

Posted Oct 17, 2010, 4:01 am
Today a new TV named Regit Brown arrived!! here we are talking to him and welcoming him to North Carolina!!!

Posted Oct 25, 2010, 7:45 pm
Hello Mum,

I arrived in Sülfeld today. Dicker Kumpel gave me a warm welcome.

Then he introduced me to the others.

I shared my Halloween-Sweets with my new friends.

Then we went outside to make a walk. Here you see us...

...on a big tractor.

Look - a beautiful plant and a lady beetle.

The autumn starts - the trees change their colors.

First I saw this little river...

...later a little lake.

We passed a dangerous place - it is the house of the shooting club.

I am sure that I will have a nice time here.


Posted Oct 31, 2010, 4:17 pm
Hello Mum,

It is me - Frankie_Blue. Are you surprised to see me like that? It is Halloween!!! We all  wanted to go as ghosts - but to tell the truth, RikeH is not really good in creating costumes, although she spent hours on it. Well now I look like something between a ghost and a mummy, but I am sure, we will have fun this day.

Well, we went outside and stopped at the first house we found. It seems to be winter? A funny snowman.

Can you see me in my costume?

The door opened and we sang a song - and recited a poem.

Good luck for us - we got sweets.

Well - it was a rainy day - so we decided to go back onto our armchair.

We put away our costumes - well - not everybody did it. Maybe a real ghost - we all were very curious.

Fortunately not - it was a new ToyVoyager here - called Hoots. We were very surprised, because we didn't know that he would come. He was invited more than 6 weeks ago...

Dicker Kumpel gave him a warm welcome.

RikeH told us that we should eat something normal, before eating all the candys, so we had some burgers.

I shared mine with Padi.

It was yummy. We will spend the rest of the day looking out of the window - and watching the ghosts outside.


Posted Nov 10, 2010, 7:17 pm
Happy Birthday Rike!

We celebrated this day with RikeH, of course!

I played with the balloons.

Wonderful flowers!

I heart music with RikeH's new MP3-Player - it sounds great.


Posted Nov 12, 2010, 9:20 pm
Hi Mum,

The weather was awful here the last days.So we were not able to go outside.

We decided to play Pool. Dicker Kumpel showed us how to play.

These are the balls I had to put into the edges.

I tried it.

Very successful - I won the game!

After it we played in the room. It seems that horses lived here.

Then I tried to call you, but you were not at home.

I will visit another blue guy now - so I had to say goodbye to Dicker Kumpel.

He is such a nice host - I will miss him. Dicker Kumpel told me that my next host
is a funny crazy guy.

The others gave me a big hug.

I will travel with Hoots, so I will have someone to talk to on the trip.


Posted Nov 18, 2010, 3:06 am
Hello Mum

I arrived at my new home. The trip was short and not boring, because Hoots was with me.

But of course I was happy when the envelope was opened.

A small blue guy released me. His name is Murph – and he looks funny. I am sure we will have a lot of fun together.

He gave me a friendly welcome.

I was thirsty and he offered me a delicious orange-juice.

Then we sat together on Murph's haunt.

We read the letter from Dicker Kumpel.

We talked a lot – and ate many sweets!

I will write more soon. Today it was to late to go outside.


Posted Nov 25, 2010, 1:32 pm
Hallo Mum,

today Murph showed us Bad Salzdetfurth. It is an old mining town, where they mined potash and salt.

First we visited Hotze. It is a monument for all the miners. Hotze is really big. Can you see me on the photo?

I wanted my own photo with Hotze.

There are many old and beautiful houses in the town.

Then Murph showed us the Salines.

In the past people get salt out of the salines. We wanted to see it of course.

What a shame – we were too late! They were closed for the winter time.

What should we do? We were so curious. Well, no problem for little ToyVoyagers,
we ignored the closure!

Normally there is water in the salines – and the air is really healthy then. Many people come and sit on chairs then. Unfortunately there is no water anymore and no chairs.

Later Murph showed us the 'Summstein'.

We wanted to try it – altogether into the Summstein – and start bumbling...

Cool -  it prickled!

There is another great thing in the town – a street of the planets. All planets are shown in the right relation, height and distance all over the town.

Here I am under the sun!

She is big, isn't she? Then we searched for the Earth – and found it.

Can you see? She is so small. It is the small ball on the right in the photo.

We found this nice lorry on our way.

Now you know the age of Bad Salzdetfurth.

Some more mining-equipment:

Something to load items on the lorry – we played hide and seek on it.

And a coach that brought the miners into the mining – carried by horses.

A pit wheel – it was soooo big!

This was a great and exciting day!

Many greetings


Posted Dec 2, 2010, 1:22 pm
Hi Mum,

it snowed! Of course we wanted to go out in the snow. Bine and Holgi went with us into the forest, so we were able to play in the snow.

The sun was shining – everything looked so beautiful!

Have you ever seen something like this? It was inside the forest.

It is a hotel for insects – the humans build it, and the insects can put their eggs into it. But there is no one in during the winter time. What a shame.

I wanted to climb onto the tree trunks.

This was not easy because of the snow. It would have been great to fly like Hoots.

Imagine – what we found in the Forest – the Easter Bunny!

Even though – the Easter bunny in the winter? Bine told us about the 1. advent – hm...

Well – we found a cratch for the deer.

But it was empty – the deers don't need the human help at the moment.

After it we drove to a big park in Lammspringe. Holgi and Bine showed us the Lammequelle (the spring of the River Lamme).

The Lamme flews through Bad Salzdetfurth. Maybe I can show it later during my holidays. And here is the start of the Lamme.

In the Park there are many beautiful lakes.

And we found this big steamroller – of course we wanted to play on it.

The Steamroller was on a big playground. We played not for a long time, because it went dark – and really cold. Maybe another time? We will bother Bine and Holgi – I am sure!

At home Bine put us into a warm towel, so we became dry and warm again!

This was cuddly and we went warm soon.

Today is the 1. advent – and it was time to light a candle.

As always we were hungry – and happy us – we got stollen – really yummy!

When we were full – we looked at the Advent calendar. Where is the 28? It is advent time...

But Bine told us that the calender always starts on the first of december. So we have to wait some more days.


Posted Dec 8, 2010, 2:18 pm
Hi Mum,

yesterday I was allowed to open one door of the Advent Calendar.

Murph was a great friend – and he helped me.

Let's see, what is behind the door.

Yummy  - of course I ate the chocolate at that moment.

Today is Nikolaus Day : the humans put their cleaned shoes in front of the door the night before – and on the 6th of December the Nikolaus came and put sweets into the shoes – if the humas were well-behaved. Unfortunately I don't have shoes – but we searched big ones from Bine and Holgi.

These shoes are too small.

But these were great !

They were big enough.

Bad luck for us – the boots were dirty. And the Nikolaus only fills clean boots with sweets.
So we searched something to clean them.

And we  cleaned one boot.

It looked great...

Ready – now we put the boot in front of the door.

This was exciting – we all sat behind the door and wanted to surprise the Nikolaus.

We waited all night long – this was my time to hear what happens!

Well – I heart something!

It worked – the whole boot is full!

But what now? How can we get the sweets? We are so small – and the boot is so big! We all pushed together – maybe it will fall?

We made it – and so many sweets for all of us!

We must have been very nice over the year.

Happy Nikolaus

Posted Dec 19, 2010, 8:37 pm
Hi Mum,

The weather is horrible here. So Bine took us to her work today – and we played there.

This was my slide.

Oups, where am I? What is the right direction?

Fortunately it didn't hurt. The pillow was soft!

Then it was time for the swing.

Look – what I found here!

A DIY-marble-run. Let's try it out!

Ready – hopefully it works.

I tried it!

It worked, all marbles reached the goal.

This was fun – and imagine this : Bine promised to take us to this great place again – and we will so swimming then.

Many greetings

Posted Dec 23, 2010, 6:16 pm
Hi Mum,

as promised, Bine took us to her work.

She had a surprise for us!

We were allowed to use the Sauna! I started the oven.

It was really hot in the sauna!

After it we went outside – it is normal to go into cold water or into the snow after using the sauna.

It was very cold!!!

So we went back into the swimming pool and onto the heating.

Look – what a wonderful swimming pool!

I wanted to feel the temperature of the water.

Hoots and I were allowed to swim on a mattress on the water!

We were safe, because Murph took good care of us!

After the sport I had to dry my coat, of course.


Posted Dec 23, 2010, 6:30 pm
Hi Mum,

it was a nice day today – we got a postcard from Dicker Kumpel.

We read it together – he was in Vietnam – so far away!

Look – what a nice postcard.

Then something great happened.

Murph wanted to help me to complete one of my life-missions. He prepared blue ice for me – how nice!

It was all for me.

But I wanted to share it with Murph and invited him.

It was so yummy – you should have tried it, Mum!

We ate all – what a nice life mission.


Posted Dec 31, 2010, 2:59 pm
Hi Mum,

great news - I am in Sülfeld again. We arrived here at the 26th of December.

It was a little late for Christmas, but RikeH had a big surprise for us. Rudi - the famous reindeer came along.

We got some nice presents.

I found some sweets and nice blue creatures, because I am blue.

We had some presents for Dicker Kumpel and his guests. They were really happy about it.

I loved the Christmas Tree - can you see me?

We talked a lot - then Murph told us that he will leave us, to spend some more time with Bine and Holgi.
We gave him a big hug. He was such a great host over the last weeks - I will miss him.

Today we heart someone knocking at the door. It is Archer. He came all the way from Shanghai and starts his life as a ToyVoyager here in Germany.

We told him a lot about our adventures.

Mum - I wish you a good start in the Year 2011.


Posted Jan 11, 2011, 8:07 pm
Hi Mum,

it is time to leave Germany now. I said good-bye to Dicker Kumpel.

The others gave me a big hug.

Now I am on my way to Russia!


Posted Jan 30, 2011, 6:18 pm
Hello mummy!
I`m in Russia. Maria`s boyfriend picked me up from the post-office and made photos of me at his way to the work.

Posted Feb 15, 2011, 3:52 am
Hello mummy!
We visited Vorobyovy Gory - Moscow station underground. From this station you can enter nice park which  leads you to the State Moscow University
Lomonosov Moscow State University, previously known as Lomonosov University or MSU , is number one and the largest university in Russia. Founded in 1755, it also claims to be the oldest university in Russia and to have the tallest educational building in the world.

At the photo you also can see my new friend Mioche, he lives with Maria and travels with her. He thinks I`m a bear, but I know why he thinks so :)

Posted Feb 23, 2011, 8:27 am
Hello mummy!
My friend Kanata and I made snowman!
It was fun to work with Kanata :)
And we presented our snowman to Mioche who is our host`s TV and makes all excursions for us here.

Posted Mar 10, 2011, 8:29 pm
By the way! At Maria`s place I met my old friend Beaver with whom I spent great time in USA. He came back home directly from USA and I was wondering about latest news from my USA-host home.

Posted Mar 10, 2011, 8:35 pm
Finally Maria took me to the Red Square!
Red Square is a city square in Moscow. The square separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. As major streets of Moscow radiate from here in all directions, being promoted to major highways outside the city, Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow and all of Russia.

This is the most popular place in Moscow so I should see it!

It was last day before Fasten in Russia (and this year in the whole Europe), so there were many people having fun.
Then we went to the cafe with Mioche to eat some cake, oh I like it!

Posted Mar 17, 2011, 8:22 pm
Hello Mummy,

I have arrived in Wales.
Get me out of here!
Hello, I think I can squeeze through this hole!
Yes! I am free, free at last. Hello, my name is Frankie Blue, what are your names?

Posted Mar 29, 2011, 9:47 pm
Hi Mum,

My host is a postcrosser and penpaller. She wanted to go out the postbox. She had 2 letters and some Postcrossing postcards to send on their way so we went to this postbox.
Afterwards, we went to a cafe for a nice cup of tea.

Posted Mar 29, 2011, 10:00 pm
Hello Mum,
Today is another nice sunny day. My host decided to take some of us toys to a World Heritage Site - Caernarfon Castle.
It is quite a long castle.
We climbed up a tower by a spiral staircase. My host found it hard to get the lightning right and used her photo editing software to show us better.
In the background are some of the hills and mountains of Snowdonia.
The castle is built on the side of the River Seiont.
We are rather high up!
It is a long way down, so glad I have a break from being photographed high up with a long drop behind me!
we've come to the other side of the castle. That's a dais.
This is where Prince Charles received the crown to become the Prince of Wales
Though my host wasn't even born in 1969.
I think we were at the top of that building.

Posted Mar 30, 2011, 8:32 pm
Today, my host got two parcels in the post
I wonder who our new visitors will be!
The new visitors are Belka and my host's toy, Rendolph

Posted Mar 30, 2011, 9:51 pm
Today, we have come to Conwy.
We stopped off at the Royal National Lifeboat Institute station in Conwy, and made a donation.
Conwy is a walled town. We were able to walk on the walls.
Do you see that little red-painted house down there? That is Britain's smallest house.
Can you see Conwy Castle in the background? We are very high up here!
Look what we found! A small geocache!
That was the tower we were high up.
The castle was built for King Edward in Gwynedd and is listed, along with the town walls as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
We didn't have time to go around the castle.
We have come to the other side of the River Conwy to remains of Deganwy Castle, about a mile and a half away from Conwy Castle. It is a bit murky, but perhaps you can make out the bridge and even the castle.
It's another geocache.
It has been a good day.

Posted Mar 31, 2011, 9:16 pm
Hi Mum,
It is a nice quiet Sunday. We didn't do much until the afternoon when we went to Parc Dudley for a walk.
There was also treasure to be found!
A geocache!

Posted Mar 31, 2011, 9:29 pm
Some of the toys are going away on their travels tomorrow, so we thought we'd have a game of Cluedo playing in teams
However, we spent far too much time chatting instead of concentrating on the game and we all drew the 8th clock leaving the crime unsolved.

Posted Apr 6, 2011, 4:41 pm
Today, Royal Mail issued some nice stamps and my host went out and bought some.
Do you like them?

Posted Apr 6, 2011, 5:13 pm
Today, we went out GeoCaching. We found a couple of caches a couple of miles away and relatively near each other.
The second cache took us on a walk up a lane.

Posted Apr 6, 2011, 7:59 pm
Today, we went out GeoCaching.
The first two we found are part of a series. This is exciting stuff, looking for the treasure. Which stump/tree is it hiding under?
Then, after a nice afternoon cuppa, we found a third.
My host isn't putting in latitude and longitude co-ordinates for this as these caches we found are scattered around.

Posted Apr 20, 2011, 11:55 am
Today, we went to the allotment.
I decided to help dig this small patch.
It was hard work and as a reward, was allowed some fresh purple sprouting broccoli.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 3:26 pm
After the allotment, we went Geocaching
We found this one in Aberdesach.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 3:32 pm
Today, we are going on the train.
This is first class.
Here, we are at Dinas station. When the Welsh Highland Railway was being rebuilt, Dinas was the HQ. There are work trains and carriages, and engines in need of repair.
The railway meets the River Gwyrfai several times along its route.
There's quite a bit of water in the river.
There are fields alongside the railway, this one has horses.
We are coming into Betws Garmon. Can you see the bell in the church tower?
It is a long train. Can you see the steam engine at the other end?
This is Cwellyn, a reservoir supplying water to parts of north Wales.
We've arrived at a half-way station, Rhyd Ddu. This is our engine.
We had to wait for the train coming in the other direction to stop at Rhyd Ddu before we could continue. The train is also steam-hauled.
They've got a first class carriage, but the one we're in was unveiled by the Queen in 2010 after refurbishment.
The carriage is called Glaslyn, after another river this railway meets.
We are off for the second half of the journey. This section was opened last year, and then not all the way to Porthmadog.
There's the River Glaslyn.
Here we are coming into Porthmadog. The river is the Glaslyn here too, the estuary.
The river is the Glaslyn here too
The Glaslyn estuary. And now, we have arrived in Porthmadog. It is time to run for the bus to take us back home before school closes for the day.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 7:48 pm
We are having a nice game of Settlers of Catan.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 8:03 pm
A nice day for an afternoon out at Hunstanton.
There's a crazy golf course.
There's The Wash Monster, an amphibious vehicle that now takes people on tours of the coast and seal island.
The promenade was busy.
We grabbed a nice cuppa in the cafe in the sea-life centre.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 8:10 pm
Ooo, look at all these Easter Eggs and bunnies.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 8:38 pm
We've come to Gullivers Kingdom in Matlock Bath.
My host took me on the lazy river ride.
I didn't go on this rollercoaster.

Posted Apr 28, 2011, 8:39 pm
Hello Mummy,

I am now on my way to my next host on the trail. I'm excited.

Posted May 15, 2011, 10:56 pm
Hi Mum,

I’m in Canada :D! Coming out of my envelope was a bit daunting today as it felt like there was a big crowd out there.

When I eventually got out I found a gathering of TVs waiting for me :). There are Dottie Mouse another one of your TVs, Pitzelpatz, Fiete and Mandy Sheep who all come from Germany too, Clifford from the UK, Kirin from Chile and sammino who is a stay-at-home TV.

They gave me a warm welcome :) and wanted to know everything about my travelling on the WTVT, so we spent the night up chatting :).

Posted May 16, 2011, 5:44 am
Hi Mum,

This weekend the weather seems to eventually be quite nice, so this morning we went for a short walk on the mountains :). sammino explained to us that we can’t go very high as, apart for a few places, there’s still a silly amount of snow at high altitude so we chose a low altitude trail in a valley that got relatively little snow this winter. When we arrived at the parking lot there was no one around.

After walking a bit we crossed this muddy creek and wondered if we were going to spend the whole day wading into mud :rolleyes:.

But the trail winding between the trees was actually quite nice and dry...

...with the occasional view of the mountains around us :).

Eventually we reached the highest point of our trip...obviously it wasn’t very high as there was no snow around :rolleyes:.

But the view was great :D.

The trail that we took to go back was a bit less nice, actually it was very mucky, so we decided to stay in the backpack chatting and let smaug toiling his way back to the car ;).

Posted May 23, 2011, 4:14 am
Hi Mum,

Today, for once, we had some nice weather over the weekend, so smaug took us to the mountains for a walk :). First we spent some time along the shores of Lake Minnewanka...which looks still pretty much frozen.

Later we headed up on the side of the mountain to the location of an abandoned fire lookout from where the view of the lake was much better :D.

As the sky was blue but we kept hearing loud thunders, we asked sammino what that noise was. He explained that they were just avalanches :stare: coming down from those mountains behind us. He also added that we were probably comforting :rolleyes:.

On the other side of the valley the snow covering Mt. Aylmer seemed less likely to come down...or so we hoped.

Funny enough, someone put up here a makeshift swing, so we played a bit with it :).

As we were getting hungry we asked smaug if he had packed a full 3 courses meal plus dessert :p. Disappointingly he didn’t planned the day properly and just handed us some energy bars :(.

Apparently this lookout is famous for being visited by lots of bighorn sheep but there was none around today...although there were plenty of traces of their passage here, very smelly traces that did not make for interesting photos ;). Talking about smelly things, another very common and slightly less pleasant resident here is the wood tick, so smaug spent the day covered with this fairly disgusting insect repellent...which made the experience of being around him very tough on our smell sense and which also probably explains why (despite this being May long weekend) we hardly met anyone (people, TV or wildlife) the whole day :rolleyes:.

On the way back to the car we stopped on the lake side. Very close to the shore the ice is starting to break up so the lake might be open soon :). Too bad it soon started to rain a bit, so we hid in the backpack and wondered if there was going to be a 3 courses meal with cake waiting for us at home ;).

Posted Jun 4, 2011, 8:35 pm
Hi Mum,

Today we all gathered together to say goodbye and wish a safe trip to Mandy Sheep :) who is flying back home to join her mum for a trip to Denmark.

Posted Jun 5, 2011, 4:03 am
Hi Mum,

Today two new guests arrived here in Calgary for a short visit :): Dean, a nice horse from the USA and Krystal, another one of smaug’s TVs. They were a bit jet lagged so we welcomed them and then let them go get some sleep :).

Posted Jun 5, 2011, 4:39 am
Hi Mum,

Our new guests will spend a few days in Banff for work :o, so today we all accompanied them to check their accommodation :rolleyes:.  Here we started heading towards the mountains :)...

...and got closer to Banff until we reached our exit from the highway.

Driving through Banff was very nice :).

At the conference centre we inspected the room: the view was nice...

And the furniture seemed comfortable enough :rolleyes:.

As the place looked OK ;) we left them here and headed back to Calgary.

Posted Jun 12, 2011, 5:20 am
Hi Mum,

Today the weather was very nice, so we all went for a short walk along the Little Elbow River :). First we took a couple a photos from almost the middle of the river. Look, there were horse riders fording the river behind me :o.

Then we kept walking between trees, mountains and the river.

What a nice day :D.

Posted Jun 30, 2011, 3:43 pm
Hi Mum,

today it was party time as it is Krystal birthday :)! We got her a lovely cake and, of course, we let her have the first big slice and helped ourselves with the rest of the cake :D.

Today it was actually also goodbye time: Dean, Krystal and Sigfrido are all flying back to Europe tomorrow, so we all wished them a safe trip :).

Posted Jul 7, 2011, 3:59 am
Hi Mum,

This week we never saw smaug so we were getting a bit worried....because we were running short of sweets ;). When we asked sammino where our host was he said that he was probably just trying not to be eaten alive by bugs :o on some horrible site in northern there was nothing to worry about :rolleyes:.
Anyway, today was Kirin’s birthday :) and, despite the food shortage :rolleyes:, we managed to organize a little party for her ;).

Posted Jul 7, 2011, 4:56 am
Hi Mum,

sammino told us that this week some of us will leave Calgary, so today smaug took a few detours on a site visit to show us some nice view of the Rockies :). First we stopped looking at the Bow valley.

Later on we took a look at one of the most famous views in this part of the Rockies, Peyto Lake :).

On the way back home we stopped at an even more famous view: Moraine Lake and the Valley of Ten Peaks :D (no, we couldn’t get all ten of them in the photo :rolleyes:), which apparently used to feature on the old $20 notes.

I am sure those notes would have looked lovely if I had been on them too B).

Posted Jul 10, 2011, 10:55 pm
Hi Mum,

Today we said goodbye and wished a safe trip to Dottie Mouse who will be travelling to USA tomorrow :).

Posted Jul 10, 2011, 11:12 pm
Hi Mum,

This week Calgary looks like a departure lounge ;). Today we gathered to say goodbye to another guest, Clifford, who will travel home to the UK :) tomorrow.

Posted Jul 10, 2011, 11:32 pm
Hi Mum,

It seems the time has come to say goodbye to my friends here in Calgary and move on to my new host on the WTVT: I’ll be travelling to Hong Kong tomorrow:).

sammino gave me a big hug and wished me a safe trip :).

Posted Jul 26, 2011, 11:56 am
I am now in Hong Kong, it's very hot here!

I travelled the Star Ferry today, from Tsim Sha Tsui at Kowloon,
to Central at Hong Kong Island, crossing the Victoria Harbour.

Each ferry has their own name like moring star, night star,
twinkling star and so on, that's nice!

I am on the lower deck today, I was surprised to see the two-way bench,
clever design!
The crew s are also wearing blue uniform, so...
can I be one of the crew?  :rolleyes:

You can see there are many tall commercial buildings along the coast,
it is the first time for me to see such skyline.  :)

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:09 am
I took the bus to Mong Kok,
there are lots of neon light shop signs here,
crowded but colourful~

I also had the egg-shaped warffle,
crispy surface with chewy fillings, good smell and yummy!  :)

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:12 am
First time to visit a chinese style park,
nice to have a walk by the goldfish lake, there are turtles too.
I can see many different styles of rock lion statues as well~
They usually have a ball (marble ball) inside their mouth for luck.  :o

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:19 am
Shanghai style dinner~
The white one is rice cake in soup,
actually it's the new year cake, but you can have it anytime in the year.
The red one is dan dan noodles, with pea sauce, some people will like to have it in spicy style.
Another one is the Xiao Lung Bao, steam dumpling with pork fillings,
be careful when eat it, there is hot soup inside!
Glad to have so many dishes, cool~  B)

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:21 am
After dinner, time to have some dessert, let's try the "big foot" ice cream~

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:25 am
some random pics today,
here shows the harbour from another view along the coast.

Food will be hang like this in some restaurant, they are:
sausage, goose and chicken, squid

red iron plate that can be found at bus-stop station.

tall residential buildings that are under construction.

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:30 am
Today it's the 14th July of lunar calender,
which is also the day of Hungry Ghost Festival.

Lots of food for them to eat!

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:33 am
Sai Kung is at the very eastof Hong Kong,
people used to call it "Garden of Hong Kong".

There are no tall buildings, not crowded,
but easily access to nature, people love to have boat trip here.

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:38 am
Temples are a place to worship some chinese goddess,
this one is Tin Hau Temple,
she is the one to keep the sea calm.

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:43 am
Seafood stores are common in Sai Kung,
you can choose what you want and then have it on the dish later.
I even saw the horseshoe crabs!

But they are so poor that they were put on the ground,
for drawing people's attention to the restaurant!!  :mad: :mad: :mad:

Posted Aug 31, 2011, 7:46 am
Hiking day~~ It's hot that I kept on sweating!

Posted Sep 28, 2011, 6:45 am
After having toast (butter with sugar) as breakfast in the local restaurant,
The weather today is so nice that I shouldn't waste it!
I am heading to the beach!  B)

There are a number of beaches in the South of Hong Kong Island.

The Murray Building is one of the heritage here, as well as the Blake Pier.

It's romantic to have a meal in the building.

There are 6 pillars at the side of the building,
it is because the building was moved from another district to Stanley,
after the workers finished re-built it, there were still 6 pillars left,
they had no idea of where to put it, so they are now here beside the building.


Posted Sep 28, 2011, 6:47 am
I am on my way to have a bicycle ride!
I am on the train now~  :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 28, 2011, 6:53 am
The route ttoday is from Shatin to Tai Po,
a long way which is probably more than 6km.

We first ride along the drainage river and see some white birds,
there are trees along, good~

Later, I took some rest and have the iced pineapple, I'm hot and thirsty!!

At last, I reach the seaside, let's enjoy the view~  :D

Posted Sep 28, 2011, 6:59 am
Great dinner tonight!
There are oysters, mussels, beef, chips, foie gras, fried fish...
happy and full!  :cyclops:

Posted Nov 3, 2011, 9:04 am
A night visit at Ocean Park, a local theme park here in Hong Kong.
Other than animals, there are also rides and games.
The aquarium has been reconstructed, some new species are added,
and special for its seamless viewing glass window.
There are a lot of big fishes and many sharks and stingrays!

I like to see the fish up above my head, just like looking up the sky!
I also the giant spider crab, they are huge!  B)

Posted Nov 3, 2011, 9:33 am
I start to like chinese ink painting,
they are actually some brush strokes,
but when you look it in a whole picture,
you will find that the strokes looks really like a scenic painting~
I feel like in the forest...

Posted Nov 3, 2011, 9:37 am
Behind me is the Western Market, it sed to be a wet market in the past,
but now preserved and became restaurant and popular cloth selling place,
where many people will come here to choose nice fabric to make clothes.

In Hong Kong, other than preserved historic buildings,
there are many skyscrapers too, especially in Hong Kong Island,
they all have their own characteristics and features.

Posted Nov 3, 2011, 9:44 am
This is the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park,
a giant statue of Mr Sun was set in the middle of the park.
There is a chinese style plate at the entrance of the park,
and a remarkable chime tower too.

A few artistic sculptures are placed in the park,
the one behind us is the chinese words of "equal",
which is in written in an abstract and artistic way.

Posted Nov 3, 2011, 9:58 am
T R I C K    O R    T R E A T !!!

We are having a costume party and excited to see so many candies we have!

Can you guess what kind of ghost I am tonight?  :cyclops:
I am a vampire, with a pair of big red bat wings~
Flossie is a witch with green face,
and King Tut is a long hair Japanese ghost with two ghost fire with him.
I like his sharp tooth!

Happy Halloween!  :D

Posted Dec 5, 2011, 5:33 am
We were a bit hungry and wanted to find something for afternoon tea in the kitchen.
We found a big tin box, with some chinese flower patterns on it.
When we opened the cap, it smells so good!
These are egg rolls, crispy and tastes good!
I just couldn't stop myself~ haha~  :p

Also had a common drink, lemon tea as well~
I like its colourful package!

Posted Dec 29, 2011, 7:22 pm
Hello mommy!  :D

Wow was that a long journey! I'm so happy I arrived Germany safetly, you can't believe how cold, dark and long this journey from Hong Kong was. But now I'm here at my new hosts home! Ok actually I'm here since the 23rd of december, but there was no time to write a update. So now I have much time and I will tell you about my welcome here in Germany and my christmas!

You won't believe it, but after I crawled out of the envelope I saw so many eyes! All looked at me and almost I got a little bit shy. But then I saw the sign and recognized... this is a welcome committee only for me.
I was so happy!!!  :D

The other TVs showed me around, some told me they will leave after the new years eve, but I hope I will stay a little bit with LadyButterfly and her family.

It is really nice here, LadyButterfly is a nice host and welcomed me warmly, she has a little 11 month old daughter.
She gave me a warm bed so I could sleep after the long and exhausting journey.

The next day, christmas eve, was very exciting! It started with opening the christmas calender!

But we didn't spend long time at LadyButterflys home, because we were invented to spend christmas with her parents. So big bags with presents were brought to the car and then we started to drive to her parents.
Later I will show you photos of the house of my hosts parents. It is really special, but I want to tell you to much for now!  ;)

When we arrived at the house, LadyButterflys dad was very busy. He prepared the christmas tree and told me... it is almost perfect.
Because there wasn't much for us to do... we sat around the wreath and told us from our home and what we have experienced on our journeys.

LadyButterfly and the other TVs including me, got many christmas cards of other TV-hosts. It was so nice to read all the lovely christmas wishes.
Ohhh can you see me? I sit on Icy a really friendly polar bear and one of my new friends.

The family was leaving for the church, so we stayed at home and waited for the dinner. You can't believe how slowly the time went by until the family was back, but the we got the dinner!
Uhmmmmm it was so yummi!!! LadyButterfly made her famous Creme Brulee, it was so tasty!
After dinner LadyButterflys parents prepared the living room and we weren't allowed to go in, but after hours... it felt like hours ;) we could go into the living room! It was a ocean of candles and presents and LadyButterfly had a christmas tree only for us TVs!

And this is the big christmas tree!
(LadyButterfly is very sorry, she has no clue why this picture is so blurred!)

That was an exciting day! After all the food and presents, I was so tired, I decided to sit infront of the fire and watch the flames. Sometimes I fall asleep and LadyButterfly brought me to bed.

Now mommy, I hope you had such a nice christmas like me!
I miss you very much!


Posted Dec 30, 2011, 1:54 pm
Heyho mommy!  :D

We are sitting in a snowstorm since last night. Everything is white and it won't stop to snow. I hope we have the chance to leave the house, because LadyButterfly wants to spend her New Years eve together with us and her parents.
I hope you can see it on the photo... but this is the look out of the window and the snow gets more and more!

And because I had nothing else to do, LadyButterfly asked me, if I want to help her with making lunch. Sure I had and so I learned a new recipt and I want to share it with you, mommy.
I hope you like it!

You need:
potatoes (enough to fill a casserole)
250 g tomatoes
8 sausages (wiener)
2 cups creme fraiche (one with and one without herbs)
2 eggs
a bag of rub cheese
salt and pepper

First of all you have to cook the potatoes until they are done and let them cool down, befor you can peel them.
I know this is a really big knife, but I'm a big bear... I can handle it!  :D

Then fill them into the casserole, but make sure there is place for the other ingridients. So just fill the bottom of the casserole. Like you can see it on my picture.

Make sure you cut no finger, when you slice the sausages... it's a bit dangerous but I have no fingers so it is easy for me! But I'm also really carefully!

Distribute the sausage pieces over the potatoes!

Then you have to slice the tomatoes... be carefull with your fingers again!  ;)

... and also distribute them over the potatoes and sausage pieces!

Now take the creme fraiche and the two eggs and mix them in a bowl until you have a smooth sauce. You can spice it with salt and pepper if you want.

... then give the sauce over the potatoes!

When everything is ready you can put the cheese over the gratin. We had no rub cheese so we decided to take slices of gouda.  ;)
You can put it now in the oven with 200 °C for 45 minutes. You can check if the gratin is ready when the sauce isn't melting anymore.

And this is my first potatoe-sausage-gratin... it is looking good, isn't it?

And after all it tasts also very good... I think you will like it!  :)

So mommy and there is only one thing I have to do!
I hope you will have great New Years eve and I wish you all the best for 2012! Have a great party... I'm sure I will have!

Frankie Blue

Posted Jan 4, 2012, 8:23 am

I hope you had such a great New Years Party like me. I celebrated a Tv-party with my new friends. And it was almost also a good bye party, because some TVs will leave LadyButterfly in the beginning of january.

We celebrated in Sohland again, because it is much nicer in a big house than a little flat.  ;)
So we get back to LadyButterflys parents again.
Our party started with a drink, but don't worry mommy, I wasn't drunk... I'm a good bear... dog... who knows.
I asked LadyButterflys parents and her brother, they think I'm a bear... but they also aren't sure. Yeah it is a real life mission to find out what I am!

We got to dinner and it was great! We made a raclett together, very perfect for a party and with meat, cheese, pineapple and other treats it becomes perfect.

I decided to make chicken first and baked it with cheese. Later LadyButterfly showed me her style, also with pineapple. Beneath the meat I ate also baked potatoe and bread with herb-butter. A fantastic dinner, mommy you can believe it!

After dinner LadyButterfly showed me an new recipt for a very easy and tasty cocktail.
You just need some peaches out of a can and champagne.
Make puree out of the peaches and fill them into a champagne glass until it is half full. Then fill the rest with champagne. It is so easy mommy, but tasts so good and the best thing is, you can choose on your own if you like it sweeter or not.

We also played a game... it was so funny! It is called "The game of knowledge" and I have never laughed so much befor. This game is so old... many questions are outdated or do you know the number of the time announcement?  ;)

0:00 am came closer and closer and then we welcomed the new year. We were so happy, we drank champagne, sang songs together and said loud "HELLO!" to the new year 2012. It was amazing to celebrate with my new friends.

Then I got a very cool idea! I found out a much faster way to travel! On a rocket!!! So you can forget the long and boring postal way it is much more exciting to travel by rocket!
Ok mommy... to be honest... LadyButterfly never permitted to ride the rocket, we only did that for the photo. It's a little bit to dangerous, so we prefer the much safer postal way.
But I still think it is a great idea!

Sadly it started to rain, so we decided to go fast inside, were LadyButterfly had a surprise for us. She prepared for pouring lead. You will never believe what I poured!
A plane and do you know what it means? It means I will travel a lot... amazing, isn't it? The lead knows everythink... strange!

I hope you had also a funny night like me!

I miss you very much!
Frankie Blue

Posted Jan 25, 2012, 10:47 pm
Hello mommy!  :D

Ohhh so much time has passed since my last update and I'm very sorry, but LadyButterfly got a bad illness and wasn't able to make anything. Most of the time she had to lay in bed and we TVs had fun on our own. Sadly there are no photos of it, but I promise... we had so much fun!  ;)

But today she felt much better and so we took a walk to the lake near her parents house. It is only called "Stausee" and in summer it is a very popular place to drive boat and eat ice or drink a cool beer.

It was so hard to climb the sign, but here you can see where I am!

The last days were so cold, the "Stausee" is covered with ice, so I had no chance to go fishing. Yes, it is possible to fish in this lake, but LadyButterfly never tried it... she thinks it's boring, but I don't think so. Next time I will try ice fishing!  ;)

Together we walk around the "Stausee", it takes about 30 minutes for one round. It's not much time I know, but for my little feet it is a very big route. So I took a rest on a rock, watching the ducks and swans. Sadly we forgot to take some bread with us, so we weren't able to feed them.

On this sign you can see were the "Stausee" is, the red spot is the place where I stood!

Hihi, very funny was the guardian of the playground! I jumped on him and look how I look now! What do you mean, am I a good guardian?

And in the end we visited a special bridge. LadyButterfly told me what happened to the bridge and why it is important for her.
In august 2010 was a big flood in east saxony. It rained for days and the Spree got bigger and bigger!
Do you see the bows of the bridge? During the flood they were covered with the water of the Spree. The place were I stood on the picture was also flooded. LadyButterfly told me, she drove over the bridge and moments later the bridge was closed by the fire department, because it got to dangerous to cross the bridge.
It was the biggest flood LadyButterfly has ever seen and it destroyed many houses, streets and also bridges, but not that one!

After that walk around the "Stausee" we hurried to get back in! It is still icecold outside and I was very happy to get back in!

I miss you very much mommy!

Frankie Blue

Posted Jan 29, 2012, 7:23 pm
Hello mommy!  :D

Wow am I happy to be at home! I had such a great weekend, but outside it is getting colder and colder. We have -7 °C and next week the forecast said, it will colder anymore!
But I was brave enough to take a walk with LadyButterfly and her family in the wood.

Yesterday we drove to the family of LadyButterflys boyfriend. His family has a little farm.
In the afternoon we took the buggy and went around through the winterwonderland. Sadly I  can't see the great landscape because it was hazy.

In the wood I found a little spring. The water looks so clear, but it was also very, very cold. I was a little bit afraid to fall in the water, but LadyButterfly promised me, she will safe my live, if I really fall in. Luckyly I didn't fell into the water.

Later we had to hurry, because it turned darker and darker and LadyButterfly is a little bit afraid in the dark wood since she had seen "The blair witch project".

But befor we leaved the wood I found a hay rack, where I took a little rest. You won't believe how warm it can be in the hay!

Later I visited the stable where I met the cows Ella and Christl. They are very lucky cows and for LadyButterfly is Ella very special. Ella was the first cow she ever saw as a calf and she gave Ella her name. Christl got her name, because she was born on christmas.
They are very friendly!

Eye in eye with Ella I recognized, I'm a very tiny bear or dog... not even Ella and Christl could answer me this question. But I will find it out!  :D

And befor we get back in, me and my TV-friends played hide and seek! But it was funny, no one of us want to seek... so LadyButterfly had to do this!  :D

So mommy... I hope you had also such a great weekend like me!

Frankie Blue

Posted Feb 9, 2012, 10:39 am
Heyho mommy!  :D

I'm finished with a day in kitchen! It was amazing, I had so much fun with my TV-friends when we all togehter made a birthdaycake for LadyButterflys little daughter. She became one year old. Sure we all wanted to help to make a real good cake and so we all went to the kitchen.
Sadly we can't give you the exact recipt, because it is a family-secret, but Kilimanjaro, the little guy next to me and LadyButterflys TV knows it and so he told us which ingridients we needed.

My task was to beat the cream, while Arty Bunneh watched if the cream is ready!

In the next step we had to put marmelade on the pie crust. This was the task of Arty Bunneh and I took a look if there is everywhere enough marmelade.

After another pie crust, Kilimanjaro put the cream on it. Ok I helped him a little bit, because the knife was to heavy for this little guy!

We put another pie crust on the cream layer and coated the whole cake with chocolate cream.

And then last but not least, we decorated the cake with Hello Kitty (maybe you can identify it  ;) ) and ready was our birthday-cake! We were so proud of us and it was so funny!

Later the party-guests love our cake and told us, that this was their first cake, made by TVs!  :D

Frankie Blue

Posted Mar 7, 2012, 11:18 am
Hi mommy!  :D

It's time to let you hear from me again! We had a memory card accident and LadyButterflys memory card was broken, so all pictures of us got lost! She was so sad about it and now we make much new photos!

The sun is coming out now and the snow has disapeared. I think it will be spring and so I used the perfect weather to go on the balkonie for a little sunbath. It's still a little bit cold here, but that's ok, it is very warm when I sat in the sun!

We also used the good weather to take a little walk. LadyButterfly showed me a really hidden place! Behind a factory and in the middle of houses is a small green "island" and there you can find the spring of the Spree. A pavillion was build on it, to invite visitors to hav a little rest.
This is one of three springs of the Spree and it is called "Spreeborn". Of all springs it is the oldest!

We made a group photo on the spring, together with LadyButterflys own TVs.
Sadly we can't see the water of the Spree, because the spring was closed over the winter.

Here you can see one of four signs at the Spreeborn!
This one says:

"Waterlevel of the Spreeborn
387,26 m
over the East Sea"

And this is the blazon of saxony!

So now, when it will be warmer and sunnyer outside, we will do much more sight seeing tours! The next days I will go on the farm again, maybe I find some spring flowers!  :D

