wmphimu Posted Jan 4, 2008, 12:32 am |
Hi! I'm Fenway! I may be a little dog but I am a HUGE sports fan!
MY ITINERARY... starbursidereus – Ontario, Canada – Thank you for a great visit! whatif - Beijing, China - on my way! Then looking for more fun places to go! Here I am reading up on my favorite team, the Boston Red Sox... And here I am checking in on my favorite football team, the New England Patriots... I also love to travel - I can't wait to see sports in other countries! |
wmphimu Posted Jan 10, 2008, 3:22 am |
I am SO excited! I am going on my first trip soon! I hear I am going to Canada. I know that they have a baseball team and lots of good hockey, but that's all I know. So I went to the bookstore and did some research.
Did you know that they have lots of moose in Canada? My friend Chocolate is a moose too! Speaking of Chocolate, he's going on a trip too. So the two of us went to Target to pick out some luggage. They're not fancy, but they'll do! I can't wait to go! |
starbursidereus Posted Jan 30, 2008, 6:29 pm |
Hi mum!! I have arrived safely in Canada!! The trip was fairly long but my scrapbook and I made it safely. The luggage was the perfect way to travel!
My host dad picked me up from the mailbox this evening and there were two Toy Voyagers already waiting for me!! Here we are all together: Oskar, me, and Hueso who arrived just before I did! I will write again soon!! don't miss me too much! :-) |
starbursidereus Posted Jan 31, 2008, 5:42 pm |
Well yesterday (January 30th) my host mom stayed at her home office to work because the weather was pretty bad outside again. So, we were put to work! She gave me the Blackberry PDA device to email a few people, but my fingers were too big for the buttons.
Did you know that the company that created and manufactures the Blackberrys is just down the road from my host mom's office building? She said we can go by and see the building sometime! :-) That's all for now! Bye! |
starbursidereus Posted Feb 12, 2008, 3:07 am |
It has been way too long since my last post - I am so sorry!!! We haven't been too busy, but my host mom has. There have been two big winter storms in the last two weeks and that has kept her very busy!
Well, last weekend my host mom decided to splurge and have a party! We ordered PIZZA for dinner!! But first my host dad let me help him to feed their pet cats! They were really friendly but not really interested in letting me try their food. Haha. That's ok. Yesterday my host mom let me play on their Wii!! I couldn't really play because the controller is just too big, but I tried. I really did! Well coming up this weekend my host mom said we're going on a road trip! Almost five hours away to Saginaw, Michigan for some hockey! It's too bad it's not baseball season, but at least I get to watch some kind of sports, right? :-) I can't wait to go!! |
starbursidereus Posted Mar 5, 2008, 3:21 am |
We have been very busy here at my host mom's house!
Here is a collection of photos displaying what I've been up to in the last month! Cooking!, Dining with Bisons, and budling up for the cold Canadian winters! Playing with the gerbil, going to the hockey game, and meeting Little Johnny from Halo! Out hotel in Frankenmuth, Michigan, at the McDonald's Playplace, and driving in tunnels! |
starbursidereus Posted Mar 5, 2008, 3:24 am |
I have now left my cozy home here in Canada, and I'm en route to COSTA RICA!!
My host mom felt bad for keeping me a few extra days longer, so she made sure my ticket was first class Air! I'm so excited to be moving on, but sad that my time in Canada is now over. Happy travels! |
AbbyB Posted Dec 9, 2008, 6:43 am |
Hi mom! I've made it to Abby's house in beautiful British Columbia! I just wanted to let you know that I am safe and in good hands.
I have had a long trip and now it's off to bed for me! |
AbbyB Posted Dec 14, 2008, 5:06 am |
It snowed yesterday, so today Abby took me onto the roof of her school to look at the mountains. Abby goes to Simon Fraser University, which is on a mountain as well. If I look a little blurry, that's because I was shivering. It was cold up there!
Look, the pond in the Academic Quadrangle is partially frozen! Brr! Time to get inside. |
AbbyB Posted Dec 17, 2008, 9:49 pm |
Today I went for a walk, despite it being -15 degrees celcius (5 degrees fahrenheit).
Today's walk was to the mouth of Kanaka Creek. The area around Kanaka Creek is a protected wetland habitat, home to many different organisms. It is also a very historical place, which I learned about as I walked. Kanaka Creek meets up with the Fraser River, the largest River in Western Canada. This is looking straight across the river: To the east: To the west: What a beautiful view! Walking along the path in the Dense Deciduous Forest, I saw a woodpecker. Erin came along because she was geocaching. This is her at the first one we found: We came to a lookout with lots of information. This is the view down the Fraser, And here is the mouth of Kanaka Creek. Here you can see the log booms that were mentioned in the information plaques. Then, it was time to walk back. |
AbbyB Posted Dec 17, 2008, 10:43 pm |
Well, it's been a nice, albeit short, visit with Abby, but it's time to go home for now! |
wmphimu Posted Dec 20, 2008, 4:44 pm |
That's right, I am FINALLY home at last! Thank you to Abby & the other kind people I met along the way who helped me to find my way home safe and sound! I was so excited to see Mara & Plaid Moose & the bunnies! And I made it home just in time to go with them to California for Christmas! So I am off to take a well-deserved nap before we get packing tomorrow! |
wmphimu Posted Dec 28, 2008, 10:22 pm |
After a long strange trip to Canada (including getting re-routed in the mail from Costa Rica), I arrived home just in time to go with Mara to celebrate Christmas in California! Here I am with Plaid Moose, ready to go...
The flight was really smooth, and I liked being able to see all the snow on the mountains! While we were in California, we drove through Niles Canyon. Mara got really car sick, but I liked seeing the beautiful mountains with Plaid Moose! |
wmphimu Posted Dec 28, 2008, 10:28 pm |
California is warmer than it is here at home, and they have different things than we do here in Virginia. Here I am in front of some palm trees...
And I even found a cactus! And Mara's family says that no trip to California is complete without a trip to In-n-Out, a famous place to get hamburgers! |
wmphimu Posted Dec 28, 2008, 10:35 pm |
Since we were visiting to celebrate Christmas, Plaid Moose and I found lots of cool Christmas decorations. Here we are with a perfectly-sized snowman on Christmas Eve...
On Christmas Day, we went for a walk and found this house with TONS of decorations... We especially liked this light-up Yukon Cornelius (a character from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) The hotel had lots of pretty decorations too. Here I am on the staircase: And we liked this palm tree that was decorated for the holidays: And, of course, we had to take a picture under the Christmas tree! |
wmphimu Posted Dec 29, 2008, 11:09 pm |
We had a great trip to California, but I am happy to be home! Last night I helped to celebrate the last night of Chanukah by lighting the menorah. We lit two - one for Mara & her husband, and one for me and Plaid Moose! Happy Chanukah!!
wmphimu Posted Jan 26, 2009, 1:59 am |
Hello! It has been REALLY cold here in Virginia, but I have been keeping warm and keeping busy. The weathermen say that this is the coldest January we have had in decades - but still no snow! The biggest news was the Inauguration last week of President Obama! Even though we live close to Washington DC (about 16 miles away!) we decided it was too cold and too crowded - 2 million people were there! So we watched on tv - here I am watching President Obama being sworn in!
And here I am with Plaid Moose with the paper the next day! Other than the Inauguration, the other big news here is that Mara and her husband are getting new kitchen cabinets. Plaid Moose and I helped to pick out the new cabinets - they went with our choice! I have also been doing some shopping (since it's too cold to play outside!). We like to go to Border's - a big bookstore with a cafe. It's a nice place to sit and have coffee and read a book! Speaking of coffee, I have been to Dunkin' Donuts as well! And today we went out to lunch - YUM! |
wmphimu Posted Jan 30, 2009, 1:56 am |
I had such a fun day today! It snowed here in Virginia - the first snow of the year! So Plaid Moose and I went outside to help Mara shovel and to play in the snow! Here I am in front - we did a pretty good job shoveling the walkway...sort of!
And here we are in the snow on the steps! It was cold but fun! And here we are in the snow covered tree! Can you find us? |
wmphimu Posted Mar 3, 2009, 12:11 am |
Hello! Mara feels bad that we haven't been updating my travel log recently, but we are having a good time! A couple of weeks ago Fridolin arrived. He is a very sweet cat, and we are having fun playing together. We all went together to a basketball game! Mara lives near George Mason University, and we went to go see a basketball game there. I told everyone about how George Mason was in the Final Four (the NCAA basketball tournament) a couple of years ago - a HUGE deal for such a small school!
The weather here has been strange - we have some warm days then some really cold days. But when we woke up today there was SNOW! Here I am in front of the house, looking at all of it! There was a LOT more than the last time it snowed - finally a real storm! After looking at it, I decided I wanted to play in it. So all of us jumped in on Mara's car! It was a lot fluffier than I thought it would be! But we had a great time! |
wmphimu Posted Apr 5, 2009, 9:38 pm |
We've been super busy lately, but we managed to take a few pictures last weekend. It was rainy, but that didn't stop us from running errands...
On this trip we went to a grocery store! All of the rain makes the trees bloom - even in the rain they look beautiful! |
wmphimu Posted Apr 27, 2009, 2:18 am |
Hello! Plaid Moose and I have been having a ton of fun with Fridolin, even if Mara has forgotten to help us post the pictures (she feels horrible about it!). A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Passover. I was glad to be home - I was traveling last year - and excited to share the Passover seder with my new friend! First, I helped to set out the seder plate...
And we put a haggadah (the prayer book) at each person's place Then we covered the matzah up until later in the seder During the seder we helped to say the blessings over the candles And at the end of the seder I enjoyed some matzah! |
wmphimu Posted Apr 27, 2009, 2:30 am |
Spring has definitely come to Northern Virginia, and everything is in bloom! Mara says I'm lucky that I don't have allergies - everyone is all sniffly! Here I am in front of one of the beautiful trees in our neighborhood...
I played in the grass with my friends... ...and even climbed one of the pretty trees! (can you find me? I'm in the middle of the tree!) |
wmphimu Posted May 27, 2009, 5:41 pm |
Hello! I just got back from an amazing vacation! Mara & her husband went to Mexico, and us Toy Voyagers hopped in her bag and came along!!
We started out in the airport here in Virginia (Washington Dulles) - we liked looking at all the flags while we were waiting for our flight. Next, we had a quick stopover in Charlotte, North Carolina. I liked the old plane that was in our terminal! It's hard to tell from this picture, but here I am on the airplane over the Gulf of Mexico! Once we arrived, we marveled at the view from our balcony! What a great place to spend a vacation!! |
wmphimu Posted May 27, 2009, 5:51 pm |
We spent most of the vacation relaxing. The resort was so beautiful that we never left!! Look at all of the coconut trees!
I really liked sitting on a lounge chair and watching the waves with my friends. The beach was so beautiful...here I am by my chair looking out over the Caribbean Ocean... And here I am on the sand! And, of course, we went to the beautiful pool too! What an amazing trip! |
wmphimu Posted Jul 1, 2009, 12:46 am |
I am SUCH an excited little dog! I have been a Red Sox fan my whole life, and this week I finally got to see them play in person! The Red Sox played a 3 game series against the Washington Nationals, and Mara let me come with her to all three games! I didn't get to meet any players, but I got to see them up close!! Here I am in the stadium before the first game...
It's a new stadium (not like my namesake, Fenway Park, which opened in 1912!), and it's very pretty. Plaid Moose liked the baseball cap recycling bins! The scoreboard is really huge... And it helped me to help Mara keep score! I had such a good time at all three games!! |
wmphimu Posted Jul 1, 2009, 1:24 am |
Baseball hasn't been the only fun thing around here lately. Friday and Saturday I went with Mara to the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Chantilly. It was a lot of fun, and I really liked helping to make a scrapbook layout!
But even more exciting was today. A package arrived, and Mara let me and Plaid Moose open it. Inside was Pooky! He will be visiting for a few weeks! We are so excited to show him around! |
wmphimu Posted Jul 3, 2009, 1:22 am |
Not even a week after I got to see the Boston Red Sox play in Washington DC, I got to see them play again! This time we drove up to Baltimore to see them play the Baltimore Orioles! We had a lot of fun playing games in the car. Here we are on the Beltway...can you see the "Welcome to Maryland" sign in the background?
I did a better job of keeping score this time... The game was SO good! The Red Sox came back from being down 5-1 in the ninth inning to win the game! We were all cheering SO loudly! |
wmphimu Posted Jul 13, 2009, 10:43 pm |
I am off on a new adventure! I leave today for...China! It's on the other side of the world, so this flight might be a long one! I gave a hug goodbye to Plaid Moose and Pooky Bear...
...and hopped into my travel case! China, here I come! |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Jul 27, 2009, 3:17 pm |
Hi from China!
It was a big summer day when I finally arrived at Beijing. After some kind of long journey, I felt a little dizzy. So I came out of the mail bag up side down... Wooo...!! It is..... China! Two TVs were welcoming me in a nice way, and they were both rabbit. The white little one shaked hands with me and told me they had been going through a pretty great time here in Beijing. They were SunnyHH and Bonishka. It was SunnyHH who had two sun logo on his body. So kind of them! Then, Whatif showed me around her room! I thought his eyes were just like mine! My host mom's little puppy Beibei. He looked vigourous and he was a real dog! Oh! It was him! just behind me... ] Hello body!~~ Whatif had tured on the air condition for me to make me feel more comfortable and feel like home. I felt great so don't miss me so much, I will update this week later, as soon as possible! |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 4, 2009, 2:09 am |
Hi mum! Today our first station was the Capital Museum!
But we were disappointed to know that we just missed the oportunity to see the exhibition of World EXPO 2009 which ended last week. Well~~Maybe it would be better for me to come back next year! |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 4, 2009, 3:02 am |
After the quick trip to The Capital Museum, it was just about 3:00 in the afternoon, so, we rode along the street to look aroud this city.
This wide street was the main road in Beijing, both in the past and present, named Chang An Avenue. With two-way six lanes, there were still always crowds and traffic jams along here when traffic peaks came. A strange building showed at the end of the Hutong. It looked like a huge egg. Whatif told me it was the Grand National Theatre! The National Centre for the Performing Arts (National Grand Theatre), and colloquially described as The Egg, is an opera house in Beijing, People's Republic of China. It was designed by French architect Paul Andreu. Construction started in December 2001 and the inaugural concert was held in December 2007. It was surprising the buiding was surrounded by a beautiful lake as a mirror, reflecting the pretty silhouette of the building. Clouds anticipate a storm, and it became even darker now... I thought a storm was coming soon.... Oh, hurry up home! It is sprinkling now!... |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 4, 2009, 3:19 am |
4:00 afternoon...We raced home in time!
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 11, 2009, 2:18 pm |
For me a super sports fan, I remembered clearly that on August 8th last year, The Beijing Olympic Games began! And it was a big big day for Beijing I thought. So, we decided to do some sports to celebrate this special anniversary!
The Great Wall was a good idea! But...It rained heavily in the morning and I was afraid that our big plan had to be canceled as a result of the rain. I asked Whatif what would we do next, and she bet it would just be fine at noon when we got there. Then....the truth was..... she was right!! The rain stopped just in time.~ Oh! It was great! This part of the Great Wall called Mutianyu. Lots of foreigners came to visit it. It looked kinds of clear and beautiful after rain which really impressed me! In the afternoon, we went to the Lakeside Great Wall. If you wondered what was that mean by "Lakeside", follow me and see! What a nice day! Love Fenway |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 17, 2009, 5:23 am |
Hi there!
This weekend I was very excited to see the Bird's Nest and Water Cube, which were the showpiece stadiums of Beijing Olympic Games last year! They were beautiful at night! I thought you must be so familiar with this building! The color of lights of the Water Cube kept changing, liked a magic cube! This building called LingLong Tower, the place CCTV used as their direct broadcasting room during the Olympic Game last year! It was almost ten o'clock at night, but we still saw so many people on the square, walking, playing, flying kites, taking photos. I thoutht it was a city full of vigour! Love, Fenway |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Aug 26, 2009, 5:15 pm |
Today we went to visit Beijing Sanlitun bar street!
Sanlitun, an area with a long history, but turned out to be a very modern place in Beijing today. It could be conlude in a word that here was a bit of everywhere, but unlike anywhere. Some kinds of cross-cultural. I did not feel lonely because there were a lot of foreigners came to enjoy their afternoon here. I was just one of them. I liked to play with children around the fountains, it made me feel ...fuper young and strong !! Oh! By the way, today was the seventh evening of the seventh moon in lunarcalendar. It means it was a festival for lovers in China! You know The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon is the Lover Festival in China. So, I hope you enjoy your time! And have a nice evening! Mum~~ Love from Fenway |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Sep 17, 2009, 4:28 pm |
Hello!! Today was a happy sunny day! Whatif's boyfriend Charlie was pursuing the master degree at Tsing Hua University, so we came to visit him!
Do you know what they were doing on the playground? It was called the military training for the freshmen. And it was the first class for all of the Chinese college students. Wow~~~ It looked tough I thought...But fortunatly, Charlie did not have to take that. Miss Fenway |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Oct 2, 2009, 4:55 am |
Hello there!
As you known, today is China's 60 anniversary! Everywhere is decerated with flowers and flags. We just live next to the Chang An Avenue, and some steets around here is under traffic control. Everyone stay at home, watching the National Day parade in Beijing throught TV. It is fantastic! Fenway. |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Oct 2, 2009, 5:52 am |
Although part of the city was under traffic control during the National Day, we deceided to travel around by bike to feel the festive spirit in the afternoon.
To our big surprise, here we found the floats used in the mass parade eariler this morning! There were national flags hanging almost everywhere in the city. The whole city is happy celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Nov 4, 2009, 1:37 pm |
You know what, I travelled to Neimeng with Whatif's family! The great place named Ke shi ke teng, and I had no idea about how to describe it to you because it just made me wordless... It was great nature! Here the pictures show: I was not listening to the car... just because of the strong wind.. Yours, Fenway |
whatif baiying87322@gmail.com Posted Dec 20, 2009, 5:58 am |
Hello!! Maybe now I am still in Beijing, but I know I am on my way to Shanghai!
Before I left, I took photos with all my friends here and said goodbye to them. Because of them I had a very wonderful time in Beiijing!! I said Goodbye to Beibei the dog~~ I could read from his eyes that he is gonna miss me! We kissed by the window~ He was a lovely dog! I said goodbye to Whatif's plants~ I also said goodbye to my dear friend Savannah!! For most of the time we traveled together in Beijing and we became very good friends! Well~ I have to move on~ and I will see you in Shanghai! See you!! yours, Fenway |
Connie xujia_nihao@163.com Posted Jan 11, 2010, 5:27 am |
Now I am in Connie's hometown,Liaoning Province. Just two days ago I was in Shanghai.Here we go,winter holiday! You can't believe that it is so could here because of the greenhouse effect.C's mother told us that it was snowing all the time before we arrived home.I can't wait to play with outside to make a snowman!Haaaaaa~~~ These pictures were taken when I was in Shanghai. |