Eska , San Francisco, California, U.S.A.


Posted Dec 22, 2011, 4:38 pm
Hello, I'm Eska... :)

Im currently looking for my first host to kickstart my travelog.

I would like a host who could take some lovely pictures of me in the great outdoors because I love adventures ...

I love to read. I am happy when I can visit a library in you city .... or your book corner  ;)

PM my host if you are interested?
I hope to see you soon.

----- travel Plan ------

Philliph O-Feld - Germany
LittleCableCars - USA ( San Francisco, California)
Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 5, 2012, 5:03 pm
Today I arrived. I've met another tv. Her name is Uilina. I think we will get good friends. On Monday she must unfortunately go again.

See you soon.


Before I forget: About the card and the chocolate, my host was very pleased.
Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 10, 2012, 7:30 pm
Hello again,

I was at the Kiel Canal. Here it is called "Nord-Ostsee-Kanal". On the one pictures you can see the "Schwebefähre" and the \"Rendsburger Hochbrücke\".

Bye Eska
Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 12, 2012, 7:54 pm
Today have two Tv's arrived.Theire names are UrselHH and
Karlos. I hope we will have much fun. :)

Bye Eska
Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 15, 2012, 3:47 pm

UrselHH,Karlos and I were today in the bog. The weather was very nice. When we were home again we ate a cake.

Bye Eska

Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 22, 2012, 5:49 pm
Hi, it´s me again,

yesterday evening we make a Wii party. We have a lot of fun.

See you soon.

Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 25, 2012, 5:52 pm
Hello everyone!

Today we had nothing to do. So decided Captain, Karlos, UrselHH and I play hide. I had to look. :(
After I counted to ten, I began to look for the others. First, I found captain because he was laughing so much..:) Then we went together to the search. The second we have found was Karlos. He was hiding behind a cat's scratching post. Finally, we had to search Ursel HH. As a mouse she was the best at hiding. But after a long time Karlos found her. We had a lot of fun. :) But I am a little bit sad because I am leaving tomorrow Philliph O-Feld and rush me into the next adventure.

Philliph O-Feld

Posted Jan 26, 2012, 6:07 pm
Hello Mom,

I left for my second trip!
Hopefully i'll arrive as fast as possible at LittleCableCars.

Bye Eska and Philliph O-Feld

Posted Feb 24, 2012, 1:50 am
Hi everyone,

Phew, I made it to another host’s house.  Noodles and Okuma got so excited when they saw me in the mailbox, they jumped in to help me out.  Since they were on their way to walk up to the summit of Russian Hill and then on to Ina Coolbrith Park, they took me along and did the welcoming ceremony on the road, that is, on the stairway.  I shared my candy with them and that gave us enough energy to keep going.

It was nice and warm here but wow, so many stairs and paths to walk.  Ina Coolbrith was a poet.  Her poems aren’t very well known today; here is a sample called “A Perfect Day”, which is a pretty good description of my first day on Russian Hill.

See ya later after I meet the other TVs here and my host.


Posted Mar 1, 2012, 7:57 pm
Hi Mom and Everyone,

Cheerio took me out today!  She loves books, too, and showed me one she found in a cereal box, Cheerios, of course.  ;)   She travelled with that book all the way to Germany and then to a host in the U.S. and back home.

We went for a walk to start one of my life missions--to visit libraries.  This is a neighborhood branch that was recently restored and upgraded for handicapped  access.  We explored the book drop, went inside and sat down, looked at the library brochures, admired the ceiling, wandered among the books and learned how to use the computer catalog.  You can get materials off the shelves or downloaded from the internet.

Then we walked past an octagon house museum and Holy Trinity Cathedral, a small Russian Orthodox church with beautiful bells. The magnolias are in bloom.  Lots of signs of spring.  Cheerio is so nice and cheerful, we had a lot of fun.  Mom, I'm making friends everywhere!

Ta ta,



Posted Mar 8, 2012, 8:54 am

My hosts have discovered the "Monk" TV series.  We watch two episodes on Friday evenings and two more on Sundays.  Adrian Monk lives in San Francisco but most of the show was filmed in Canada and Los Angeles studios.  There were some exterior shots made here and Noodles, Okuma, Cheerio, and I  went out to find a few of them.

The first house was made up to look like a museum in the show but today it looks like a wealthy family's residence.  The Palace of Fine Arts can be seen from there, it is another Monk location.  Then we went to another hill top and saw where Monk crosses the street while the theme song, "It's a Jungle Out There" plays. Then to a flat street in North Beach toward St. Peter & Paul church where Noodles touched all the parking meters.  ;). Then we went up another hill to see the view from Monk's apartment building which has a view of the Bay Bridge, also a Monk location.  The last two photos show us checking out an interactive street art installation. :).

See ya at the next location.

Bye for now,


Posted Mar 11, 2012, 9:08 pm
Ocean Beach and Golden Gate Park Tulip Garden.

Posted Mar 18, 2012, 11:22 pm
We took some walks around the neighborhood to see a park that has a view of the Golden Gate; a great bench; Mrs. Doubtfire’s house, the Haas-Lilienthal house, the Spreckles mansion now occupied by Danielle Steele; and two churches.

The last photo is my very favorite place, the playground where we TVs go to conduct our secret Toyvoyager Tribe rituals.

Bye for now,


Posted Mar 28, 2012, 4:35 pm
Hi Mom,

I’m on my way to my next host.  Hope it is Springtime there.

Auf Wiedersehen,

Lots of love and hugs,

