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Life Missions

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Plant fifteen different plants with my hosts (0/15)

Take pictures with five different pink flowers (0/5)

Visit a garden exhibition (or something compareable)

Sent minimum 6 postcards with flower motives to my owner (0/6)

Make a big TV-Flower-Power-Party with TV-friends and our host

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Travelog post for: Ayana

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Öhringen, Germany - 20th May 2012

By: Zandy

Hello to you!

Now I will tell you the reason why I'm a TV  :D There are two TVs at our home: Mirembe and Meav. And it was Mirembes birthday today, so mummy asked us if we would celebrete her birthday. And of course we did!


It was funny, because we didn't know us before, but the feeling was really good from the first moment on. It was if we know us for years.

Mirembe had to blow out the candle.


And of course she did.


After that we all clap in our hands, sing a lot of birthdaysongs, had some drinks and talked a lot.



At least we take a group picture with all the Mirembe-Birhday-Celebration-TVs  :D And from this party on I wanted to be a TV.


Flowery greetings to everyone,

* Posted Jun 9, 2012, 7:39 am Last edited Jun 9, 2012, 7:51 am by Zandy [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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