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Travelog post for: Leoshek

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Rakvere, Estonia - 24th December 2011

By: minnihiiru

Today is Christmas here and there's no snow outside,actually so few that it doesn't feel like  Christmas at all if you look out of the window,more like late autumn or something.But inside it looks like Christmas,Christmas decorations,rooms are cleaned and Christmas smell.
In Estonia there is tradition to go graveyard on 24th December to put candles to your dear one's who are dead for their memory,that they can have light on Christmas Eve.I could join with Mari,she lighted candle for her great-grandma,great granddad and great-greatgrandma.The graveyard was really beautiful in dark with all these candles.
Then we walked back home and we had also  Christmas table set and food ready,we could enjoy the time around family and we toyvoyagers decided to join.http://www.snap.ee/static/user_thumbs/kiisumari/jouluhetked/t760_PC242975.jpg
potatoes and black sausage(blood sausage)
no me on the pictures,because always camera's batteries get emty in wrong time,but it looked like potatoes,sauerkraut and blood sausage

Some time after Christmas time was time to exchange presents.
Here it's tradition to sing,read poem or do something in order to get presents =D So,you had to read 5 poems or sing 5 songs if under the tree was 5 presents for you,if more presents,more poems =D You are just used to know Christmas poems!

We wish you a merry Christmas! Häid jõule!

* Posted Jan 23, 2012, 8:49 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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