Hi, mom!
This weekend we have visited one of the most beautiful and ancient monastery in Moscow – Andronikov monastery! There are working churches inside, so we can’t take any photo, but my host tell me that it is consecrated to the Holy Image of Saviour Not Made by Hands and it is home to Andrei Rublev Museum of Old Russian Art, named after the most famous monk of this abbey.
In fact, there many buildings in this monastery are devoted to Andrey Rublev (the greatest medieval Russian painter of Orthodox icons and frescoes). Already during his lifetime some his icons were appreciated and esteemed as wonder-making. Here you can see copper monument to Andrey Rublyov working.
Near the monument there is an arbor, and there you can see a copy of the most well-known Russian icon of Andrey Rublyov - the Trinity. You know something about it? Trinity depicts the three angels who visited Abraham at the oak of Mamre, but the painting is full of symbolism and often interpreted as an icon of the Holy Trinity.
The monastery was established in 1357 by Metropolitan Alexis as a way of giving thanks for his survival in a storm. Its first hegumen was Saint Andronik, one of Sergii Radonezhsky's disciples. The extant four-pillared Saviour Cathedral was constructed from 1420–1427. Andrei Rublev spent the last years of his life at the monastery and was buried there.
Newer and more harmonous church of Michael the Archangel (1690s) perfectly looks at my photo!
And of course there there is a small belltower where it is possible to ring by a bell. Oh, it seems, all Moscow could heard it! Icons are also represented on bells, probably, they help to sound better!