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Travelog post for: Aurelius

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Bruchsal, Germany - 2nd January 2012

By: fam-united

I just arrived in Bruchsal, which belongs to Baden-Württemberg. The weather is more than lousy: it's raining cats and dogs.
After this long time in my package, although I only traveled within Gemrany, I'm curious to get to know more about Baden-Württemberg and of course to meet all the guests at my host's home. I've heard, that I will meet many other active and inactive toyvoyagers here.


I'm sure, that all the other toyvoyagers here will be happy about the sweets I brought with me. Petra says thank you for everything.


I told Petra, that it is my mission to get to know a lot about Baden-Württemberg, so she went and brought this book for me to read. I'm not sure, if I want to read so much about Baden-Württemberg and also Petra said, that there might be some old long forgotten stuff in it, because it is from 1987.


I liked Mandy Sheep's idea to draw the coat of arms, though. It was fun and I think, I did it really well.



Then I got a map and was told to colour the place, where you find Baden-Württemberg in Germany. I coloured it green. It has borders to Bavaria, Hessen and Rhineland Palatinate and to the countries France, Austria and Switzerland.


Here I show you Stuttgart and Mandy shows Bruchsal. You see, it isn't far away from the main city of Baden-Württemberg, but I'm not sure, if we will find time to go there.


Baden-Württemberg has two main parts: Baden and Württemberg and although they are together, they still are really different. One song is important for Baden: the Badner-Lied.


* Posted Jan 2, 2012, 3:35 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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