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to see a real panda.

to try a green-tea flavoured KitKat.

to have a photo next to the real Eiffel Tower.

to see a real Australian highway, ending in the horizon.

have a picnic in Russia with other TVs.

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Travelog post for: Cieszy

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Cracow, Poland - 29th June 2010

By: inidhil

Finally! The sun is out and the weather is lovely!
That's why we decided to go for a long walk around the Old Town. And when we have reached the Main Square we discovered that Hard Rock Cafe is finally open!  :cyclops: As everyone knows HRC's Apple Cobbler is the best apple pie ever (XD) we made a quick choice and about 30 seconds later we were sitting on the topmost floor of the cafe, watching music videos (Elvis!) and making our orders.
...Accidentally we don't have a picture of the Apple Cobbler nor our beautiful coffees... the pie disappeared quite quickly. ('coz the ice-cream was melting!)

But we have other awesome pictures:

That's me, of course. Wearing a pair of heart-shaped glasses (they are big so I needed a little help...) and in the background a picture of Madonna's corset. 8D

Another one! \m/
And you can see the HRC Kraków Logo in the back.

Me on the chair, Paul Stanley's (Kiss) vest in the back and outside the window you can see the Main Square.

This one is quite blurry - but that brown thing is Elvis Presley's jacket! (Elvis!)

Hard Rock Cafe is awesome! :D

With our bellies full of yummy stuff we continued our walk. Next stop was Szczepanski Square, where a new fountain was build. But it's not an ordinary boring fountain! :D
It's really pretty and children can play in it, so it brings tons of joy to the little ones.

The water gets up...up...up...

...and up! Big water! 8D

A little 'family' pic. Now you know who I stole the glasses in the cafe from. ;)

Wheeee~ Flying panda! And Jan Matejko's theatre in the back.

This is awesome. It's miniature of a 12th century Square where the All Saints' Church once stood. Now that part of the city looks completly different!

Now I feel like Godzilla! (Finally I'm the big panda.)

It was a lovely day! Can't wait to see more interesting things that I could show to you as weel!

* Posted Jun 30, 2010, 2:15 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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