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Travelog post for: Happy Leopard

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Graz, Austria - 30th January 2010

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

The weather in Graz is not so great right now, it's always grey and cold and it snows almost every day! So it's not really the best weather for sightseeing, but we decided to have a look around the city anyway!

We started at the Main square and looked at the town hall. That's where the mayor has his office and where parts of the city's administration is located. You can also marry there.

Then we went on to the Franziskanerplatz to look at the church and the cloister. During the summer, you can sit outside of the small cafés and enjoy the sun and a cup of coffee.

We walked on to the Kunsthaus, the museum of contemporary art and photography. It was built for 2003, when Graz was cultural capital of Europe. The building looks quite strange and it is therefore called the "friendly alien".

Near the Kunsthaus is the second building that has been built for Graz 2003: The Murinsel, an artificial island in the Mur- the river, that floats through Graz. You can walk on the island, it has a small amphitheatre on it and a café inside of the island.

From the bridge from where we took the photograph, you also have a view up to the Schlossberg and the clock tower. Maybe we will go up there some day- when the weather is better so you can see the whole city from above!

On our way back home we went to a bakery and bought some Krapfen. It's Fasching here now and the Krapfen are some sweet yeast dumplings, fried in oil, filled with apricot jam and dusted with powdered sugar. You normally just eat it this time of the year.
Fasching is what other countries call Carneval. It's not that big in Austria as it is in Germany, but the most Southern country, Carinthia, has a lot of activities during this time of the year. Kids like to participate on the Faschings-Umzug, which is kind of a pageant, where you dress up in costumes and some have decorated wagons with music.

The Krapfen was really delicious! I want more  :D


* Posted Feb 8, 2010, 2:34 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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