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Travelog post for: Happy Leopard

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Graz, Austria - 28th January 2010

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Today we have been invited to a birthday celebration. Therefore we had to get a present ready: We went to a shop where you can choose from a huge variety of different oils and vinegars and some alcoholic stuff. First you have to choose the design of the bottle and then you can see how they fill the bottle with the chosen oil from a big barrel.
We bought 5 different flavours as it was a 50th birthday celebration. You can see us with the parcel!

Then we went to a restaurant and had a great meal there- as ususal, no photos from the food! We are always to busy eating for taking pics  ;)

Bye for today!


* Posted Feb 2, 2010, 12:10 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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