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Travelog post for: Kellie Koala

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Play ground, South Africa - 13th July 2009

By: MrsC

In this school, there is a system called 'Reading Buddies'.

Each Grade 3 pupil is paired up with a Grade 0 pupil for the year and once a week they read them a story. This makes reading fun for the older children and the little ones.


They sit outside on the grass to make it less formal. In summer they sit in the shade of the trees. But, it is winter at the moment, so they all find a warm spot!


Back in the class we are learning about the former president Nelson Mandela. Have you ever heard of him? I think you might have, he is a very famous man.


* Posted Jul 21, 2009, 10:47 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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