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Watch the sunrise and sunset

Have icecream when I visit another country

Make everyone Happi Happi and HAPPY!!!

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Travelog post for: KattieMill

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Lake Canobolas, New South Wales, Australia - 11th July 2008

By: sararingham

...next stop was Lake Canobolas, only a short distance away... when we got there we were the only ones there... because of the recent rain (which we've really REALLY needed) the lake was overflowing over the dam wall... looks cool doesn't it?

....and then we got to pose in front of the lake, it looks quite cold doesn't it?...

...here's some more photos of the lake... isn't it big?...

...and just as we were about to leave, a huge bird, Sara says it's called a magpie came to us to pay us a visit. Obviously he didn't feel safe enough to come closer to us, but it was still cool, he's quite big!

...well I'll update again soon! With the recent freezing temperatures I wouldn't be surprised if we'd get a bit more snow in the lower lands. I hope so, maybe we can make a snowman this time! A snowman in July, haha the thought of that is so funny isn't it?

* Posted Jul 11, 2008, 11:06 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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