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Travelog post for: KattieMill

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Orange, New South Wales, Australia - 4th July 2008

By: sararingham

Today we got to meet a new toyvoyager Percy his mentor lives in Okinawa, Japan, but is an American as she lives there because her husband is in the military - Percy had a lot of interesting stories to tell us, he had just come from Germany so that was pretty interesting to hear about... I hope I get to travel that much!...


Besides that today was pretty exciting (at least for Sara anyways) for MONTHS she's been trying to finish up her bedroom and today we all got a chance to help her finish it... it was just a day at home today - her first day at home in days so it was a... well, kind of relaxing day - there was a lot to get done while Andrew was at daycare...


...and we all after finishing Sara fix up the room collapsed on the brand new shag rug they put in - it's a lot brighter than it looks in the picture (just like the bedroom picture) but it matches and looks really good in real life... :-) We all had a bit of a nap on the rug before moving on...


...once we came out of the bedroom Sara noticed someone fly over our head... she looked up and thought it was one of her quails, instead it was one of the gouldian finches. Mr Colors had recently met Percy and obviously didn't get a good enough hello, so he came out and greeted all of us, to our surprise.


* Posted Jul 4, 2008, 9:44 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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