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Travelog post for: Scott

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Citrus Heights, United States - 27th April 2008

By: pollunga

Well, in anticipation for the start of my travels tomorrow I decided to get in one last workout. Because try as I might I know when I am exploring I won't stick to my routine. ;)

I prepared for my last night at home. A Red Bull and some fiber pills. I'll be up all night with smooth sailing in the digestive region.

Slicked on the ol'stick, did some stretching, ready to go.

My mentor's husband suggested keeping it light, but "Pah!" I said! This is just a warm up.

He also spotted me with the heavier weights. I am building some major muscle mass. Hopefully I don't lose it all and get flabby during my trip. I can feel my six pack coming in as well. Abs of steel.

In return I spotted him. Always lift heavy weights with a partner.

Later after an intense workout, which also included a 5 mile jog, jumping jacks, 50 push-ups, and a protein shake, Remy and I sat down with my mentor and watched "The Mist". The ending....well...let's just say I am not over it yet.

I can't wait until tomorrow!

* Posted Apr 27, 2008, 8:24 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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