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Travelog post for: Pinky Bear

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Mai Mai Market, South Africa - 20th July 2008

By: MrsC

So, I guess there will be no shopping then. We were told to leave our bags on the bus and we were in Fi's bag...man...oh well we will wait till she gets back to tell us about it then.

I can smell something delicious....what is it? Pork chop?


Fi says to tell you that that woman's face is not that colour naturally, she has red ochre on it.

Okay, I am quite excited to see these photos of the market...


The Mai Mai market is the oldest market in Johannesburg. It is traditionally a Zulu market. In the 'old days' white people needed a special permit to gain access. Though truth be told, chances are these days none of them even know of its existence. Fi had never even heard of it after thirty odd years of living in Jo'burg.

Here is a little replica Zulu hut.


It is in a rather unsavoury part of town, but it has been taken over by some local council agency that is determined to rejuvenate and revive it to a pristine state. People actually live in the market, but plans are underway to relocate these families as it is quite unsuitable for children to be living in these conditions.

These two don't seem bothered at all! They are having loads of fun in an old crate.


Oh! It's not quite your usual market then... it is a 'muti' market. Muti is traditional medicine. When we read the other day at the Botanical gardens that 8 out of 10 people use traditional medicine, I bet you had pretty little visions of berries and flowers. Welcome to the reality.


I'll show you a closer look. WARNING: this is not for the faint hearted.


Those were ostrich legs, a crocodile and who knows what else...

These are various skins and carcasses...


These are roots and plants. Muti is not only used for headaches and tummy aches...but for all sorts of things you might consider  'witchcraft'.


Although this looks all nice and tidy and rather like an old fashioned sweetie shop, be warned, those jars contain things that will make you want to vomit! Read this for a bit more info on some of the contents. The shop they talk about in this article is this very one.


The whole place had been dug up to repair the sewerage pipes so it was a bit treacherous to walk through.


Two Zulu children.


Traditional bead work. As well as being a muti market, this is also a traditional crafts market.


Most of these hides are illegal, they are from endangered animals. That thing with its head still attached is a baboon. EEEUUUWWWW!


Oh well, it is Sunday after all...


These may be goat tails, they are used in traditional dress.


These sandals are a traditional design usually made from buck skin. The heart shaped cut out bit has buck hide in it but that little tick is a slightly modern twist... not so sure these are genuine Nikes!


The Prof told us that they have been making these wedding kists (or trunks) since the market first started...


But they are making more of these, and doing a booming trade because of the high AIDS death toll...


Right, time to leave, chicken for supper anyone?


* Posted Jul 25, 2008, 3:01 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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