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Travelog post for: Pinky Bear

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Jo'burg, South Africa - 6th June 2008

By: MrsC

It was much warmer today, so I eventually dragged myself out of bed...yay! Blue sky!

Well you may know that I am sharing desk space with Threadbear who is on a mission to collect 500 Teddy Bears for the Teddy Bear Clinic... Well today he and Fi went off to help a friend sort out some charity donations... and they came back with this:


I was speechless. There were so many toys and some of them smelled REAL BAD! I only posed for the photo 'cause it meant sitting in the sun, but because I'm sitting in the sun you can't even see me!

I helped Fi and Threadbear sort out the toys.

Bears to be washed...


Other toys to be dealt with afterwards...oh, I may have been more gentle with my own kind, sorry you lot...


The other bears that had already been washed were also sorted into groups. The whole room was filled with bears and Fi sat down to repair the ones with split seams, no ears, missing eyes, backwards arms...

She has a funny old fashioned thing called a record player that plays huge black CD's called records...what a stupid name...but it plays the most wonderful music! She put on some records from the 1940's which she says is the best music to listen to if you need to feel domesticated. So while she sat and sewed we all danced around the room.


You know Threadbear's little brother, Buttons, is...um...er...quite handsome...

Not that Threadbear isn't ...or anything...and he sure can dance. Buttons that is, and Threadbear... of course...


Well, erm..ah..um..goodnight then. I need to go and you know...blush...blush... chat...to...Buttons... and everybody.

* Posted Jun 6, 2008, 8:49 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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