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Travelog post for: LittleTeddy

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Trier, Germany - 15th December 2007

By: fam-united

When we arrived in Trier at about 3.45pm, we drove to a youth hostel were we stayed for the night. I met the best friends of our hosts there. They drove in the car behind us, so I haven't seen them earlier.

After we had prepared the beds for the night, we walked into the city. I had been so excited, because it's the first Christmas market in Germany, that I wanted to see in a few minutes. It only took about 10 minutes and then we saw the big cathedral of Trier and also the first lights of the Christmas market. The air smelled like one big gingerbread with a little smell of punch too.

But now I will be quiet and just show you the photos.

The part of the Christmas market, that is on the market place.

That's the way we went to see the Porta Nigra. I love these half-timbered houses.

It wasn't that easy to take the photos at night. I have some more very beautiful photos without tvs, because they just catch the light.


When we walked back to the hostel it was about 9.45pm and we looked forward to sitting in the warmth again. We played some piano ( sorry, no photo here) and drank some warm tea before we all went to bed.


* Posted Dec 17, 2007, 9:56 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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