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Travelog post for: Iggy the Cat

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Fairforest South Carolina, Usa - 14th June 2014

By: godsavetheking1776

Hello Mother and all of my friends.
I am finally in the United States and I am in one piece. I had a really long flight and it was kinda scary but by the end of the flight I really enjoyed the trip on the airplane.  B) When I arrived at my host family in Fairforest South Carolina I was meet by the family that I am staying with great fanfare. I really like meeting a bunny named Butterscotch and her brother Paul. Mom, they really are making me fill very welcome in there house. Mom,Did I tell you the food on the airplane was small and did not taste very good. I am so wishing I packed a little bit more food for my trip because I am so hungry. My host said that they will take me out to eat so I will go for now but I just want you to know that I am safe and happy in the USA.
Love Iggy


* Posted Jan 15, 2015, 12:01 am Last edited Jan 15, 2015, 12:03 am by godsavetheking1776 [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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