heyyyyyyyyyyyy everyyyyyyyybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
we got sooooo thriiiiiiiiiiiiilled when ipue let us know the highlight for this eve!!!!!!!
had you ever heard about ZURKHANEH??????????????? the kind of traditional sports of IR???
hinterher hoerten wir, dass die esf ueberrascht waren, dass dort unter der woche etwas los war, weil naemlich alle vier zurkhanehs von esf in einer ecke liegen, so dass die paar leute, die sich dort an wochentagen hin verlaufen, dann auch noch auf vier verteilen und somit nix los ist..
oh sorry, forgot to speak english... well normally ppl are going there on THU.. and so it was astonishing to meet some ppl there during the week.. but yashila_81 got really happy, as he took his special trousers with him and was ready to be busy!!!!!! and so the others did to honour their guest!!!!!!
it seems it's only tabriz not allow women to enter there, and so lucky ipue was so thrilled to see her son in this way!!!!!!!!!!!!! and possy, too!!!!!!!!!! great, great, great...
yashila_81 was so tired but content!! and on his way to the hotel he found the main shop who sells the best special t-shirts and bought one for his own - a great souvenir really!!!!!!!!!!!!
bye for now!!!!