Hello world – McFluffy reporting!
Today Pebbles and BammBamm showed me how to make a good pizza. It was quite easy so let me tell you how it works :-)
First you need 400g flour, 200ml warm water, dry yeast, 2EL olive oil, 1TL sugar and 1TL. Salt.
Next you have to knead everything so you’ll get a good dough. After this you have to let the dough prove for about forty-fives minutes.
Forty-five minutes later you should have a dough which looks like this:
The next step was rolling the dough. Don’t forget to put some flour under the dough and the dough roll :-)
Now you put it into a griddle…
… and spread some tomato paste on it, which I previously mixed with some spices like oregano, basil, salt, and pepper…
Now you can put the topping onto your pizza! Choose whatever you like :-) We created three different parts because Pebbles is a vegetarian. I chose mushrooms, onions, maize, zucchini, paprika and ham.
Last but not least don’t forget the cheese Yammy!
Common I’m sooo hungry, hurry up!!
I can’t wait any longer…
Bon appetite everybody