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Travelog post for: xiaoxia

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Bruchsal, Germany - 6th September 2012

By: fam-united

I really waited for this day. I wished to see more of Bruchsal and finally we went out to go to the sightseeing places.

Bruchsal has about 42 000 inhabitants, if you also count those in the five suburbs, which are Heidelsheim, Helmsheim, Untergrombach, Obergrombach and Büchenau. It was first mentioned in 796 A.D., but there had been an older settlement. 80 % of Bruchsal had been destroyed during World War II. on 1rst of March 1945. So you hardly find really old places.

Here you see the tower of the old part of Bruchsal's hospital. In the building you find different doctors. The hospital is in a newer part.


* Posted Nov 28, 2012, 9:01 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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