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Travelog post for: Mabel

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Potters Bar, England - 1st August 2012

By: Xadrian

Hello Stranger!
So glad you found me! My name is Mabel and I am a toyvoyager.  I'm a toy seeking adventure in the world and YOU can make that happen!  All you have to do is show me around your town or even your home. Take pictures of me visiting places then upload them to my travel journal here.  This link here should help you out some: Help Topics. Don't forget to check the forums, they are useful too!

If you are unable to help me on my journeys, can you put me back out into the wild so another person can?

So, stranger, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Mabel, but I just recently acquired that name.  I was found one day on the side of the road next to a Sainsburys in a heap of wet abandoned clothing.  I don't know how long I was in that pile, but I was soaked all the way through and didn't smell very nice.  My mentor found me and took me home and washed away all that unpleasantness!  :D

My mentor was nice to help me along my way, but now I must move on and find more adventures.  Hopefully not ones that involve me thrown on the side of the road again :(

* Posted Aug 1, 2012, 3:08 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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