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Travelog post for: nosyblue

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Bruchsal, Germany - 23rd December 2012

By: fam-united

It is Sunday, the fourth of advent. So nobody did think, that the doorbell would ring and the postman would come and bring a package. But suddenly we heard a bell ringing and we were shaken back and forth. Of course we were very excited, especially because it was the day before Holy Eve. So we all sat in our package and waited. In the meantime this happened outside the package:


What a big surprise for us! There were so many new toyvoyagers outside the package: Kari, Robby, Fiona, Hömpfmömpf, Madam Miff, Chalon, Kara and Mysterio. So the house got crowded:)




They told us to walk out of the package, so we could introduce each other and exchange adventures. We had a nice chat.




* Posted Jan 30, 2013, 7:37 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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