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Travelog post for: Chokito

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Essen, Germany - 14th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mum,

we went to the Ruhr today. Just a little walk - I thought. But then we were away for more than 4 hours. What a day.
We were sitting really closed in Fabis backpack :)! But it was funny.
I was sitting in the middle and we talked about all the other cuddly toys we allready met. Wauzi told us something about his friends at Fabi's home and maybe I will meet them soon. They were sleeping in an other room then us, so we didn't see them until now.
My brother was on his alien-trip again. Fabi told him some alien storys and I was thinking what I can do instead...he is so crazy sometimes.
We walked and walked and walked...that was a really busy day :)!

Have a sunny day, like we,

* Posted Feb 15, 2008, 9:19 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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