Hello you all!
I'm a small elephant. My name is Troot. Mommy gave me that name, because she thinks my voice sounds like troot troot troot... hihii...
I'm too curious in my personality that I want to see everything in this World. It's a big goal, don't you think? Hih, but it doesn't bother me, because I L-O-V-E adventures!
My favourite coulour is blue. I would really like to see, touch and taste all blue coloured things. Will you help me to make this true?
In the following pictures you can see, how I was wondering what mommy was doing. I tried to help her, but it was a catastrophe. I'm not very good in chrocheting, you know... Mommy helped me out of that situation, and she gave me a brand new scarf!!! Wow, I like it very much! Thanks mommy!
Oh, and all my friends here at home already wished me a safe journey (you can see all of them in the picture, too). I'm going to miss all of them, but I'm still happy to be able to see the World.
I found mommy's classball of the Earth planet, and I looked all those countries. Sooooo many places to see!!! I'm so exited! And I'm looking forward to start my travelling.