At Home, Bochum, Germany - 18th February 2012
By: Shilo
Good Morning Mum!
Today mum told us, that Captain and Ping will travel to their next hosts.
Because this is the last time that we were all together, we planned to go bowling. Ping had told us about it and it sounds really funny.
First we looked around and Ping explained us, how to play.
After that, I was searching for a bowling ball. Oh I want to take the dice. I hope it brings me luck. But before I could play with it, I should clean it.
Because it was Saturday night there where a competition, which lane was the best in a certain time. Yeah, we made the third place in the competition.
What should I drink?
Hmm this drink is really good. But I shouldn’t drink too much of it. Wow everything seems to be turning around.
After a time, we needed a little Break. This game is very exhausting.
Then it was my turn. I think I was really good in this game.
I had a great view from here.
While it was Pings turn, I build a throne for myself, so I could reach the coke better.
At the end we were waiting for the final result.
Ping was the winner and I made the last place. I was so disappointed. How could this happen to me?!
Bowling made a lot of fun and I think it was a great ending of the time that we spend together. But now we are all very tired. Let’s go to bed.
Good night
Posted Feb 22, 2012, 8:58 pm Last edited Feb 25, 2012, 11:50 am by Shilo