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Travelog post for: PinkyHH

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Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada - 8th August 2009

By: firefaery

Hello again!
firefaery was away this weekend and sick as well so we did not do too much as far as photos and visiting.
However we did go to Cape Breton, specifically Glace Bay. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to get there, and it's where firefaery's partner lives.

This is a picture of us almost to the Canso Causeway, which is a 2 lane rock fill causeway between mainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. At the end is a swing bridge, to let boats go through. It's base, under the water, is 800 feet wide, and the water is 210 feet deep. It took about 10 millions tonnes of rock to make it.

Here is us, on the highway. We are on mainland Nova Scotia, and you can see Cape Breton Island.

This is an arial picture of the causeway, though we didn't take it!

firefaery had to stay home sick today.. She has the flu :( However she did make me a fruit smoothie, which she drinks every morning. It had strawberries, mango, peach and Orange-Peach-Mango juice in it.. also a little bit of light Whipped cream... It was so yummy! I had to sit on the lid so I wouldn't fall in!

We need to go back to bed, so firefaery can get well.
Night Mom!

* Posted Aug 11, 2009, 1:33 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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