Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA - 24th July 2008
By: MissMelissa
Melissa took us to work with her today.
She works at an independent record store. And it was a pretty slow night, so I got to hang out with her all evening. Here I am on the counter of the store. The stickers, I'm told, are the only thing keeping the counter together.
I got to peruse through the cds, but there were a lot of them, so I didn't see all of them. I did find the Turtles, my all-time favorite band.
I was pretty bored, so Melissa put me to work answering the phone. We both forgot that humans can't hear turtlese, so that was short-lived.
Finally, I was allowed to gaze on Melissa's pride and joy, her Hall & Oates clock. She made it on another really slow day here and it has captivated the hearts of many men since then.
Until Next Time,
Samantha Turtle
Posted Jul 25, 2008, 5:12 pm Last edited Jul 25, 2008, 5:12 pm by MissMelissa