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Life Missions

(1 out of 5 complete)

Have nice tea parties testing different teas and pastries of the world

climb the Empire State Building (as dis my cousin King Kong)

take part in a percussion band as a bell player

meet other celebrities such as Winnie, Mickey,...

come back home to relate all this to my french family

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Travelog post for: Archibald

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Vienna, Austria - 24th August 2007

By: ChristinaB

Today we really did alot of sightseeing and I had a great time with my hosts and my new friends here. We went to the city center of Vienna and had a looooong walk around. The weather was great, so it was a perfect day to take photos!

First we got off the metro at the big Museum for historical arts. Just opposite is the museum for nature and the building looks exactly the same. There were tons of ball-shaped bushes in front of the museum and the cats and I had great fun to play hide and seek there.

We went on to the Parliament then and arrived at the City hall afterwards. In front of it an open-air opera festival takes place at the moment and there were several little huts with delicious things to eat. I discovered a kind of "clock" there counting the days until the European Soccer Championship will start next year. It will take place in Austria and Switzerland and the people here are already very excited about that.

Just opposite the City Hall we saw the Old imperial theatre and next to it we found the rosarium where we had a little rest (you can see the museum in the background again). Hmmm, what a nice smell everywhere around there!


* Posted Aug 24, 2007, 11:46 pm Last edited Aug 24, 2007, 11:49 pm by ChristinaB [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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