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Travelog post for: Carlisle

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Remscheid, Germany - 21st June 2009

By: olgamaus

Hi Mummy,
today we took a walk along the Trasse des Werkzeugs (Route of Tools), which is a lane for pedestrians and cyclists which were built on a closed railway track. It was sponsored by local tool producing companies. Remscheid is famous for it's tool producing industry since medieval times. That's why this lane is called Trasse des Werkzeugs.

The weather was not good, we were in hope of not becoming wet.

From here you have an overview across the outskirts of the neighbour city Wuppertal.


Behind me you can see allotment gardens. They have many garden areas here.


At an intersection some signs with the logos of some sponsors are installed (with a really beautiful container yard in the background :D ).


The first sign is showing the crest of Remscheid.


Here we had to cross a street.


You can find many industrial buildings along the lane, some of them already dilapidated.


You can also find rest areas here.


This lane is leading to the central station, we are close to it as you might guess.


Here is the instanteanous ending of the Trasse des Werkzeugs, it will be completed soon.


On our way back home it started to rain and we had to hurry home.


* Posted Jun 22, 2009, 8:24 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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