Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 24th November 2011
By: klubwerks
A long time ago, Pilgrims came to America, from England, to get away from religious persecution and the Native Americans helped them survive on the land and taught them many things. Religious persecution is the mistreatment of people because of their religious beliefs. The Pilgrims actually thought that this was India, which is why they called the Native Americans "Indians". There was a big feast that the Pilgrims and "Indians" had together in late November, but no one knows exactly when, so now Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November.
There was more history in this time including the Native Americans being forced off their land. Oklahoma is part of the Trail of Tears where Native Americans were marched into reservations and many of them died. This part of the history is quite terrible and sad. However, we still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in America and it's all about giving thanks for what you have and being with your family.
I got to enjoy Thanksgiving with my Host Amelia and several other TV's and we all helped out with making dinner...
Jinny's Masataku
Mischa's Paul
Katie's Charles
Ina's Schnattchen
Xadrian's Drashuven
Mellialida's Mr.Shawn
GubbL's Kalso
Klubwerks (my host) Toki, Mulvane (Mully), Fleece, and Chico
Posted Nov 25, 2011, 5:23 am Last edited Nov 25, 2011, 5:39 am by klubwerks