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Life Missions

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To see a live panda bear.

To be photographed with at least 10 other black and white things.

To snuggle with a baby.

To eat fried green tomatoes.

To dress up in costume.

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Travelog post for: Myka

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Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 3rd November 2011

By: klubwerks

My host Amelia has a memory book that she keeps various things in as a keepsake. I helped put a bunch of stuff into it and she says there will be more stuff added after this weekend once we make more memories together.

I haven't been here long, but I'm already feeling so welcome! I met Toki's bestfriends Fleece (sheep) and Mully (lion). They are about my size too! Mully is short for Mulvane. He's a pink lion who was named after the city he came from. Fleece is a pez dispenser. They are both so sweet... and funny!

I miss home, but I'm going to have a great time this weekend with my new friends.


* Posted Nov 4, 2011, 3:10 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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