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Travelog post for: Landroval

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Radolfzell, Germany - 28th August 2009

By: Sissi

A trip to Radolfzell

We went to Radolfzell these days.
Radolfzell is a town at the western end of Lake Constace. It is a well known health care city and an important railroad junction. In 1990 Radolfzell was named the Federal Environment Capital City of Germany.

Radolfzell was developed out of a monastery founded in 826 AD as a "cell" under Bishop Radolf of Verona. The town belonged to the Abbey of Reichenau, then to the house of Habsburg for a long time, and for 40 years was a Free Imperial City.

This is me at the market place. In the back you see some signs that lead to the museum, lake, park, etc.

We then went to the lake. We had to pass the railroad and took a photo with a train. Sissi told us that she went to school for 3 years here in Radolfzell and always came with train.

Then we reached the lake. There was a little girl with her parents coming, too and when she saw the lake she told “Oh!!! The sea!!!”. Actually, Lake Constance is really also named “Swabian Sea” (not officially though).

There were also many ducks and swans.

On the other side of the harbour mole is the harbour with many ships.

In the end we also made a group photo!

Bye bye!

* Posted Aug 29, 2009, 6:34 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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