Lemmikki Magazine: Kroko Lentaa Australiaan
A great article featuring our very own Kroko appeared in the Finnish pet magazine 'Lemmikki'. The editor was kind enough to send us a copy, we found out about it from members who had joined the site as a result of reading the magazine. Thanks Lemmikki!!
Yahoo!: Yahoo! Finds of the Year Nominee
Yahoo scoured the internet to find forty great sites of 2007. We were honoured to be one of them, even though on their voting summary site they listed us as 'Top Voyagers'. Clearly we made an impact.
Go to feature
BBC Radio Cornwall: Release covered on the Radio
ToyVoyagers was featured on the BBC Radio Cornwall breakfast show. The feature involved an intrepid reporter hunting for the released TVs, interspersed with details about the website and interview snippets from us.
Norwich Evening News: Amazing tale of Ivor the travelling bear
Norwich Evening News wrote a great article featuring Ivor - here is an extract:
Step aside Paddington because a new contender for the title of the world's most travelled bear has been found - and he's from Norwich. Ivor the bear has clocked up an impressive 43,000 miles since being left “foraging for mushrooms” in the grounds of Norwich Castle in March 2006 by a couple who set up travelling toy website www.toyvoyagers.com...
...His impressive journeying has helped promote the website, which has been shortlisted as one of the top 40 internet “finds of the year” in the weird and wonderful category by website Yahoo! Judges will decide which sites win the awards on January 16.
Read the full article
BBC Radio Newcastle: Neil interviewed on Breakfast Show
Neil was interviewed by Simon on the breakfast show, talking about ToyVoyagers and the Yahoo! Finds of the Year nominations.
This is Wiltshire: Elephonse becomes Web Star
A BLUE toy elephant from Calne has been posted on the internet as the star of his own photographic travel blog as he travels across the continent.
Elephonse has been featured on website www.toyvoyagers.com as he travels with his owners Steve and Helly on their honeymoon to France. With each step of his trip, his owners have left a blog and taken a photo of the toy at landmarks throughout the journey...
...The website has just been chosen by web giant Yahoo! as one of its 40 most creative, innovative and amusing sites in the UK this year.
Read the full article
BBC Radio York: Neil interviewed on Breakfast Show
Neil was interviewed about ToyVoyagers and the nomination for Yahoo! Finds of the Year by Richard Reynolds on his breakfast show.
Evening Standard / RedOrbit: Toy Travellers and Fish-Cam Vie for Internet Prize
The Evening Standard wrote an article about the Yahoo! Finds of the Year:
"A website that matchmakes motorists with homeowners who have empty driveways to rent and a webcam fixed on a goldfish bowl are both finalists in internet search engine Yahoo's annual prizegiving.
Other finds of the year include a cooking website giving advice on how to eat British food seasonally and one that allows desk- bound office workers to see photographs of soft toys at holiday destinations..."
Read the full article
freelang.net: Website of the Month
Each month freelang.net choose a favourite website...
"We talked about bookcrossing last month, now here is a variation: Toy Voyagers! The idea is to pick up toys instead of books, not to play with them but to make them travel. You update their travelog (you can also take pictures) and then you release them to somebody else."
Island FM: World of the Web - featured website
We were featured on Island FM - they said:
"If you're looking for a useful website - this isn't it but if you're looking for fun why not try toyvoyagers.com which is dedicated to the secret lives of globetrotting toys!"
Splash FM: Website of the Day
Every weekday morning on the breakfast show, Splash FM reveal their website of the day. One cold and windy day in December 2006, that website was toyvoyagers.com.
London Lite - Timew@ster: What to browse when the boss isn't looking
We were featured in the Timew@ster section of London Lite. They said:
"Stuffed toys get taken to random global locations and photographed, setting the challenge for somebody else to find them and take them to a new location. Each toy can be followed through its own photo story and travel log."
thelondonpaper: Night Surfer: Websites we like
Evening newspaper 'thelondonpaper' said:
"Less than a year old, this site is great for people who want to de-clutter their homes of stuffed toys. You send the bear, or whatever, to the website, they tag it, leave it somewhere in the world and hope that a stranger will find it, take a picture of it, send the pic to the website, and release it back “into the wild” again. Fun but not for the sentimental. Honestly, how many of us would rather just bin the old teddy?"
See the review
[Note: In case this is the first thing you have read about ToyVoyagers, we should probably point out that you don't send your bears to us, we send the travel tags to you -Isobel&Neil]
BlueYonder: "Broadband Life" featured website
Service provider BlueYonder showcased ToyVoyagers in their "Broadband Life" section. They said:
"For fans of cuddly toys or the gnome in Amelie....See the little people travelling around the globe having lots of fun and adventures... Keep up to date with their Indiana Jones escapades or just see them at your local festival. If you find one yourself, add to the adventure and pass it on..."
See the review
Kick FM Radio: Website of the Day (8th Sep 06)
We were James O'Neill's Website of the Day and he talked about the site on his drivetime show.
The review on the Kick FM website says:
"Keeping travellers around the world company ... it's the Toy Voyagers! Each toy is passed from traveller to traveller, and a log and photos are posted on the website of where they've been and what they've done!"
See the review
Salford City Council: Website of the Week
"This is a great idea which really lends itself to the web.
The site looks good and works well with some nice features, like being able to see a map of the journey of the toy.
You can simply spend some time browsing some of the toy voyagers. Or if you get hooked by the idea there's an opportunity to get your own tags and release a toy into the wild and just may be that toy will end up travelling the world!"
Web User Magazine: Best New Website feature
"This odd website is dedicated to globetrotting toys that are carried far and wide, then photographed in unusual places. The idea is simple - every 'ToyVoyager' gets its own travelog, which is updated with pictures and descriptions of its latest adventures. The site is clear and easy to get around, with detailed histories and all the latest news on their furry friends. There's even a shop selling travel tags so disciples can turn almost any toy into their very own ToyVoyager. This could add a whole new dimension to your travel plans."
See the review
BBC Midlands Today: Cheery feature at the end of the programme
We featured on BBC Midlands Today as the cheery story at the end of their schedule. It featured 'mysterious' shots of Isobel and Neil releasing ToyVoyagers into the wilds of Warwick. There were also vox-pops from members of the public who were asked what they would think if they found a ToyVoyager. Answers ranged from "I would take it with me, I'm going to Jamaica in a fortnight" to "Do you know we've lived in Warwick for sixty years and I've never been on the telly before. We're sisters you know".
Warwick Observer: Stuffed Toys on Random Adventures
"Globetrotting teddy bears have become a reality thanks to a quirky idea from a Warwick couple.
In March Neil and Isobel left six stuffed toys around the town, including at Warwick Castle and St Nicholas' Park.
A tag attached to each bear encouraged finders to adopt them and post updates on an accompanying website, before passing them on or leaving them for someone else to pick up.
Entries on the site, www.toyvoyagers.com reveal one was last heard of heading for Brazil - while another has so far made it to Coten End Primary School.
The couple have since stepped up their activities, leaving over 100 toy animals in locations including Stratford, Oxford and London. They have asked us not to reveal their faces.
Last weekend they released three toy pigs, with parachutes and helium balloons attached into the sunset from the roof of their Coten End home.
And the venture - like the pigs - is starting to take off, with entries and photographs posted on the site each day from far-flung destinations like Australia, America and Norway.
Neil said 'It is a great feeling when you release one into the wild and someone you have never met decides they will take it on and writes an update - you can just watch it travel.' "
Freeola: Website of the Week - Winner
Our first award! They said:
"What can be said - this site is so cool! Originality and ease of use make this site a winner this week. Follow the lucky toys as they get whisked around the world."