ToyVoyagers Friend

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I am so frustrated because I have no idea how to make my pictures small enough to be able to upload them onto the website...It was suggested to get free software that will help to do this, but there are no instructions on how to do it! I guess I will never be able to post pictures...the best part of the whole thing...
I am not a computer/ technology friendly person...so I am stuck because I have no idea what to do...anyone else have this issue?
Posted Apr 5, 2014, 8:50 am |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Mhm...I am using Bimp Lite and here is a tutorial how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAHRFN8uYmk
Maybe you can check that out. I hope it helps you. I didn't watch the whole tutorial, but I am not good with describing and that looked like a good one.
I make the longest side 600px long for the website here.
......................... If you want to be hosted - just let me know.
Sadly my dear Wauzi moved to his dad...so now I have sweet little Jonathan to stay with me all the time. He is a stay-at-home Voyager.
If you want me to host your toy, please read this:
http://www.toyvoyagers.com/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=1617 *no spaces available in 2015*
Posted Apr 5, 2014, 9:40 am |
Last edited Apr 5, 2014, 9:41 am by BlackCat |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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I use TinyPic to shrink my pictures - and the program is really easy to use.
Here is a link to download for free.
I hope it works!
......................... disappointment is the result of false expectations
Posted Apr 5, 2014, 10:58 am |
ToyVoyagers Follower

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Joined: Mar 18, 2015
Last visit: Jun 8, 2015

They need a tutorial section on here that we can scroll through that tells/helps us how to do this & that on this site. There isn't much of instructions on how to host or start a toy. Some of us need step by step instructions.
Example: The first time I tried to upload a picture, It took me 45 minutes. First the picture was too big, then I clicked the image button (had to close the popup box), then had to make sure the curser was inbetween the IMG signs before I chose a picture. After clicking the add attachment button I hit preview and the picture never shows. So I did it over & over until I just skipped that and hit reply and my picture showed! That took forever! Sigh.
Posted Apr 14, 2015, 5:22 pm |