ToyVoyagers Follower

Group: Members
Posts: 21
Joined: Oct 21, 2011
Last visit: Apr 22, 2012

Hey everyone!
I think it's a really great idea to take part in the idea of Travelling Notebooks and so I decided to do one, too.
As I really love fairytales like the ones by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, and me and my sister sometimes tell them to little childrens in primary and nursery schools, it would be really, really great to hear about the old stories and tales, which are popular in your country or area.
And if you rather want to tell me about an old song, which is also popular and famous where you come from - you can write down the lyrics and the notes for it That would be wonderful. Or you can draw an illustration or whatever ^^
I'll start with the german tale "Die Sterntaler" ! (;
The notebook will be easy and cheap to send, so don't worry
So, anyone who wants to take part? (:
By the way: Germans are welcome, too. Don't hesitate to write
Posted Dec 27, 2011, 8:43 pm |