ToyVoyagers Freak

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Thought I'd start something new...
The rules are simple... just write a post about what you know about the country of the user before you....
So, what do you know about South Africa?
......................... I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." - Helen Keller
My cute little ToyVoyagers are Bokkie, Khetiwe and little Ambrosius
I am currently hosting Pinky Bear, Shaggy Bear, and Squirt
Have sent Dilbert, HitchaRideDooey, Moley, Jubilee Bunny, Cassiopeia, Synapse, Fiona, Gilbert, Bullet, NormaNikkers, Hector and Gracy on to their next adventure...
Posted Sep 12, 2008, 8:38 pm |
Last edited Sep 12, 2008, 8:38 pm by MrsC |
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Well, you live there, haha. Let's see. You are at the bottom of Africa, which is why you're called South Africa, I suppose. the Homo genus as we know it started in that area. There are a whole number of different native peoples, but the Zulu are the most famous. At one point South Africa was occupied by the Boers, who were...Dutch? They held some sort of mass migration to the North at some point, but joined with the British to form South Africa later. There was an apartheid. Um, noteable people are Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu (I saw Tutu when he was touring with the Dalai Lama). The Springboks are one of the best rugby teams in the world and I love your accents.
And...that's all I can remember from Grade 11 History.
What do you know about Canada?
......................... My TVs: Yuri Gagarin (lost in the mail), Lemony, Synapse, QueenElizabethI, Nori, Philbert, King Tut, Yakety Sax
My stay-at-home TV: Wallace
PM me if you are interested in hosting one of my TVs
Wild TVs: Archie, Genevieve, Sabra, Orton, Zeinab, Viggo, Yvette, Olaf, Boreal, Parker, Lee, Ainslie, Ellis, Satin, Gad, Felton.
Currently visiting: Hedgie, Roderich, Ewan E. Ewok, Crawfish, Regit Brown, Winnie the Pooh.
Previously hosted: Ollie_Marmot (twice), Mausi, Desmond, Dolly, Lemmy, Yum Yum, Shirley Sheep, Moony, Fenway, Womat, Reinhilde, Greedy, Alizée, Vladimir, Hedgie Hedgehog, Twinette Kani, Jimbo Elephant, Pierre Bear, Gina Giraffe, Dinah Meetcha, Soar, Pepita, Noelle, Frankenstein, Vicky Mouseham, Etwas, Aimee, Hinz + Kunz, Roots Bear, Thiele, Tiger Lilly, Dottie Grace, Hypno-dog, Bally, Cassiopeia, Nasse, SunnyHH, Bobi, Charlie Bear, Ollie Kikabeer, Bussi, Monkez, Marty the Moose, Lintilla.
Posted Sep 12, 2008, 9:20 pm |
ToyVoyagers Friend

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My knowledge of Canada is very vague but I've heard it's a very beautiful country. Canada is the second largest country in the world and is situated north of the USA. Your head of state is Queen Elizabeth II and you have a prime minister. Canada's two official languages are English and French. You have stunning national parks with mountains and spectacular lakes. The Black Bear is found across the country. When I think of Canada I think of maple syrup and Keanu Reeves!
What do you know about England?
......................... Currently hosting: Her Majesty QueenElizabethI and Fritzi
Posted Sep 17, 2008, 2:46 pm |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Hmmm, bossy little country that tried to take over the world! left a lot of commonwealth nations in its wake... South Africa being one of them. I'll leave it at that (I am half Scottish - you see)
So what else do you know about South Africa?
......................... I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." - Helen Keller
My cute little ToyVoyagers are Bokkie, Khetiwe and little Ambrosius
I am currently hosting Pinky Bear, Shaggy Bear, and Squirt
Have sent Dilbert, HitchaRideDooey, Moley, Jubilee Bunny, Cassiopeia, Synapse, Fiona, Gilbert, Bullet, NormaNikkers, Hector and Gracy on to their next adventure...
Posted Sep 17, 2008, 3:56 pm |
ToyVoyagers Friend

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Ha ha ha I guess we asked for that! Well let me see now.. South Africa might have a great rugby team but they're not so hot at cricket as anyone who saw the recent one day internationals will testify! It's a looong drive to get anywhere in South Africa but it's totally worth it when you arrive... the scenery and nature are unique and very often stunning. It can get way too hot there though and the seasons are all upside down - winter when it's 'supposed' to be summer!
What else do you know about England?
......................... Currently hosting: Her Majesty QueenElizabethI and Fritzi
Posted Sep 24, 2008, 11:35 am |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Royal family, BBC, London, trains, buses, taxis, underground, mind the gap, rain, rain, rain, Pounds and pence, Barclays Bank, white cliffs of Dover, Beachy Head (Eastbourne), Brighton, Big Issue, Chocolate with orange (yuk), council estates, caravans,narrow roads, pebble 'beaches', rugby, cricket, football, scousers, tattoos, body piercings, indoor swimming pools, Debenhams, ASDA, Safeways, Tescos, foreigners, tiny cars, large Land Rovers, agas, country side, rabbits, lakes, villages, allotments, ponds, pubs, welly boots, rain, rain, rain... holiday in Spain.
Back to South Africa
......................... I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." - Helen Keller
My cute little ToyVoyagers are Bokkie, Khetiwe and little Ambrosius
I am currently hosting Pinky Bear, Shaggy Bear, and Squirt
Have sent Dilbert, HitchaRideDooey, Moley, Jubilee Bunny, Cassiopeia, Synapse, Fiona, Gilbert, Bullet, NormaNikkers, Hector and Gracy on to their next adventure...
Posted Oct 20, 2008, 7:12 pm |
ToyVoyagers Friend

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South Africa exports lots of diamonds and golds, right? South Africa has 11 official languages and there are 11 official names for South Africa.
I actually don't know much about South Africa but I am looking forward to FIFA world cup 2010
What do you know about Japan?
......................... My TVs+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Chiro * Mr.Lemony * Piyo
If you areinterested in hosting them, please PM me!
I'm sorry but I can't host any TV until the late May.
I'm very busy with my wedding and honeymoon coming along!
Posted Oct 21, 2008, 3:52 am |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Japan is full of mountains (Seeing it when I flew over I was amazed by what the country looks like from the air). Japan is quite small for the size of it's population and has a lot of interesting stuff in it that I'd love to see, like Tokyo, and all the factories including the Hello Kitty factory. I just would love to visit one day. Sadly I don't know much though (at least at this time and I'm pretty tired lol)
So, what do you know about Australia?
......................... I'm currently busy with school so it's hard to make posts all the time, but I am active on the site and I update when I can - I don't like at-home updates as when I go new places and take them with me. I also like to host TV's for a longer period than a few weeks, so they can see more of Australia while visiting me... please take that into account when messaging me with a want for me to host your little one! :-)
Would you like to host any of my toyvoyagers?
Fred Lion visiting RockVixen07 in Texas. Harold Giraffe visiting anni in Germany. Hedgie visiting AbbyB in Canada.
MIA Toyvoyagers:
Garfield, Arthur Bear, Fuzz Bear, Samantha Turtle, Leo Lion, and Hermies, BunnyLove, Guss Elephant, Jubilee Bunny, Mandarin, Shaggy Bear, Molly Weird, Skippy Kangaroo, Veggies, Sheldon, Gentle Ben, Spots Leopard, Sully Monster
Stay-At-Home and At-Home Toyvoyagers:
Toothy Walrus (permanently at home), TenderheartBear, Super Grover, Roots Bear, Jimbo Elephant, Leonard, Lucky Duck
Contact me if you'd like to host any of my toyvoyagers. :-)
Posted Oct 21, 2008, 4:21 am |
VOTW Editor

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Everyone's descended from a convict and you all have funny accents. I kid! Ha, my Aussie friend would kill me for that.
Let's see. You are part of the Commonwealth, you have a number of lovely cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, you have lots of dangerous animals and you used to have Steve Irwin, but not anymore. A lot of Australia is very desert-y and people wear hats a lot because of your proximity to the hole in the ozone layer (at least, that's what mmy sister told me in the nineties) Tasmania is off the...South Eastern coast and it used to have Tasmanian tigers, but they are extinct now.
If I say anything more, I'll start to confuse myself with facts about New Zealand. We don't exactly study much Australian history up here...
What else about Canada?
......................... My TVs: Yuri Gagarin (lost in the mail), Lemony, Synapse, QueenElizabethI, Nori, Philbert, King Tut, Yakety Sax
My stay-at-home TV: Wallace
PM me if you are interested in hosting one of my TVs
Wild TVs: Archie, Genevieve, Sabra, Orton, Zeinab, Viggo, Yvette, Olaf, Boreal, Parker, Lee, Ainslie, Ellis, Satin, Gad, Felton.
Currently visiting: Hedgie, Roderich, Ewan E. Ewok, Crawfish, Regit Brown, Winnie the Pooh.
Previously hosted: Ollie_Marmot (twice), Mausi, Desmond, Dolly, Lemmy, Yum Yum, Shirley Sheep, Moony, Fenway, Womat, Reinhilde, Greedy, Alizée, Vladimir, Hedgie Hedgehog, Twinette Kani, Jimbo Elephant, Pierre Bear, Gina Giraffe, Dinah Meetcha, Soar, Pepita, Noelle, Frankenstein, Vicky Mouseham, Etwas, Aimee, Hinz + Kunz, Roots Bear, Thiele, Tiger Lilly, Dottie Grace, Hypno-dog, Bally, Cassiopeia, Nasse, SunnyHH, Bobi, Charlie Bear, Ollie Kikabeer, Bussi, Monkez, Marty the Moose, Lintilla.
Posted Oct 21, 2008, 11:54 pm |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Things I learnt about Canada while visiting:
You call your one dollar coin a Loonie and a two dollar coin a twoonie (forgive me if I spelt that wrong)
Your flag has a maple leaf, which should make it impossible to hang upside down, but it does happen (saw it for myself in Nice, Italy)
Things are cheaper to buy in Calgary (?) than BC / Ontario because that province has less taxes.
Vancouver & Whistler are hosting the next winter Olympics and the symbol of the games is Inshuck (May have spelt that wrong too), a First Nations symbol.
It rains a lot in Vancouver!
Victoria is the capital of British Columbia, not Vancouver.
People in Montreal speak French, it gets so cold there they have built and underground city and some metro station entrances are identical to those in Paris.
Ferries to Granville Island are scarily small!
Back to Australia?
......................... "A bear teaches us that if the heart is true, it doesn't matter much if an ear drops off." -Helen Exley
Friend of: Kalli, C.K. (MIA in the US), Froddo, Candy Cotton, Dottie Grace (Still travelling), Tamalyn (hiding out in Canada) Zahli, Barclay, Kellie Koala& Tilda
Friends in the Wild: Slinkee Snake, Ms Millie, Violet May, Elefunk, Shriek, Eureka Bear, Bonza Roo, Daisy Bear, Elouera, Alby, Thiele, Bree Bear, Fred A’bear, Kograh, Rosetta, Kismet, Huggles & Gretel,Previous host to: Emma, Greedy,
Iago, Hugo, Kroko, Lollipop, Paula, Steve, Misko, Winnie the Pooh, Her Highness QueenElizabethI, Kari, Tippi, Taro, Seamus, PampleMoose, Berlin Bear, Mario, Mei, (Playmo)Bill, Twinette Kani, Boone Racoon, HoppyVanderHare, JamaBanaDukLuv, Elisabeth & Cassiopeia(twice).
My flickr photo collections
Posted Oct 22, 2008, 12:16 am |
Last edited Oct 22, 2008, 12:20 am by becka_kate |

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There were Olympic Games in Sydney.
Pupils can decide to learn German at school (sometimes), but they learn Japanese as a second language (if I remember well- I should ask Kira1997 again).
There are Aborigenes living in Australia, whose holy place is the Uluru, which we call Ayers Rock. They have another flag than the Australian.
There are Road Trains, really long trucks, but the trains take over the transport for the Road Trains more and more.
The capital is Canberra, not Sydney.
So what do you know about Germany?
Posted Oct 22, 2008, 8:08 am |
Last edited Oct 22, 2008, 8:10 am by fam-united |
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Everything from the Franco Prussian war times (that was you, wasn't it?) to the fall of the Berlin wall. By Grade 11 we were all sick of Canadian history and moved onto European.
Let's see. You were on the opposing side of a couple of rather nasty wars. After the first one King Wilhelm II, or whatever his name was, disappeared out of the picture and there was a period of time during the 20s that was called Weimar Germany because of the Weimar Republic. For reasons that I cannot remember, that failed and an Austrian failed-art-student-turned-dictator took over in 1833. Most of Germany survived the Depression as a result, but then some nasty things started happening to a certain race, which only really became apparent after the war. To prevent Germany from becoming the cause of WWIII, it was split up, into East Germany and West Germany, and West Germany was controlled by the British, the Americans and the French, while East Germany was controlled by the USSR, which stole a bunch of heir resources and payment for killing 20 million people. In 1961, I believe, the Berlin Wall was built to keep East Germans from escaping into the part of Berlin controlled by West Germany. It came down in 1989 and my hisory teacher in high school has a piece of it. Eventually Germany was reunified and has become a rather nice country, not that parts of it weren't nice before.
I don't know much about contemporary Europe, sorry, haha.
Canada again!
......................... My TVs: Yuri Gagarin (lost in the mail), Lemony, Synapse, QueenElizabethI, Nori, Philbert, King Tut, Yakety Sax
My stay-at-home TV: Wallace
PM me if you are interested in hosting one of my TVs
Wild TVs: Archie, Genevieve, Sabra, Orton, Zeinab, Viggo, Yvette, Olaf, Boreal, Parker, Lee, Ainslie, Ellis, Satin, Gad, Felton.
Currently visiting: Hedgie, Roderich, Ewan E. Ewok, Crawfish, Regit Brown, Winnie the Pooh.
Previously hosted: Ollie_Marmot (twice), Mausi, Desmond, Dolly, Lemmy, Yum Yum, Shirley Sheep, Moony, Fenway, Womat, Reinhilde, Greedy, Alizée, Vladimir, Hedgie Hedgehog, Twinette Kani, Jimbo Elephant, Pierre Bear, Gina Giraffe, Dinah Meetcha, Soar, Pepita, Noelle, Frankenstein, Vicky Mouseham, Etwas, Aimee, Hinz + Kunz, Roots Bear, Thiele, Tiger Lilly, Dottie Grace, Hypno-dog, Bally, Cassiopeia, Nasse, SunnyHH, Bobi, Charlie Bear, Ollie Kikabeer, Bussi, Monkez, Marty the Moose, Lintilla.
Posted Oct 22, 2008, 7:30 pm |
ToyVoyagers Follower

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Canada... is a commonwealth member, there are two offical languages ( English and French ). Capital city is Ottawa. You have provinces, anthem of Canada is O Canada.
So... what do you know about Slovenia ???
P.S. We are in European Union
Posted Oct 22, 2008, 8:08 pm |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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OOOhhh, seriously - not much.
You were one of those 'piggy in the middle' countries that gets ruled by every one else except yourself - until now that is as you are a Republic. You were part the former Yugoslavia.
Interesting things that I have read now:
Your capitol is the unpronouncable Ljubljana
You are one of the least densily populated countries in the EU.
You are bordered by Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Italy.
You have lots of forested area.
You have enviromental issues with polluted rivers and coastal waters.
You have the 7th highest suicide rate in the world (South Africa beating you into 6th place )
Back to my favourite topic
......................... I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." - Helen Keller
My cute little ToyVoyagers are Bokkie, Khetiwe and little Ambrosius
I am currently hosting Pinky Bear, Shaggy Bear, and Squirt
Have sent Dilbert, HitchaRideDooey, Moley, Jubilee Bunny, Cassiopeia, Synapse, Fiona, Gilbert, Bullet, NormaNikkers, Hector and Gracy on to their next adventure...
Posted Oct 22, 2008, 8:57 pm |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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* Fierce rivalry between Aus and Saffa's about cricket, rugby etc. Was put on hold during the Apartheid years because of sporting sanctions.
* The Boer War took place at the end of the 19th/beginning of 20th centuries and was one of the first wars Australia sent troops to. It was also the first time concentration camps were used in the world (by the British troops against the Boer civilians, mainly women and children)
* Nelson Mandela is a national hero / ex-president and was imprisoned for a long time due to his views.
Australia again?
......................... "A bear teaches us that if the heart is true, it doesn't matter much if an ear drops off." -Helen Exley
Friend of: Kalli, C.K. (MIA in the US), Froddo, Candy Cotton, Dottie Grace (Still travelling), Tamalyn (hiding out in Canada) Zahli, Barclay, Kellie Koala& Tilda
Friends in the Wild: Slinkee Snake, Ms Millie, Violet May, Elefunk, Shriek, Eureka Bear, Bonza Roo, Daisy Bear, Elouera, Alby, Thiele, Bree Bear, Fred A’bear, Kograh, Rosetta, Kismet, Huggles & Gretel,Previous host to: Emma, Greedy,
Iago, Hugo, Kroko, Lollipop, Paula, Steve, Misko, Winnie the Pooh, Her Highness QueenElizabethI, Kari, Tippi, Taro, Seamus, PampleMoose, Berlin Bear, Mario, Mei, (Playmo)Bill, Twinette Kani, Boone Racoon, HoppyVanderHare, JamaBanaDukLuv, Elisabeth & Cassiopeia(twice).
My flickr photo collections
Posted Oct 24, 2008, 6:09 am |
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Oh gosh, I don´t know much, I must admit!
I know that Australia was inhabitated about 50 000 years ago by people who came from Asia and who nowadays are called aboriginals. They made wonderful rock art, and there is still many sites left.
I know also that many of the foreparents of nowadays australians were criminals taken there from the UK, as both a punishment and a possibility to new life. Later on there has been lots of people coming from Asia. The persantage of the aboriginals of the population is rather small.
I know you have there kangaroos and koalas and other marsupials, and that very odd mammal, platypus, who lays eggs an seems to be somehow on an evolutionary stage between lizards, birds and mammals. (Sounds veeeery scientific!)
Oh yes, and bull frogs, those who have huge voices.
Umm, some historical character who fighted wearing some kind of iron pot on his head?
The name Australia means "southern land" about.
That was about it! Sorry! I never listened at school..

Posted Apr 5, 2011, 8:37 pm |
ToyVoyagers Friend

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Ummm... I know that the Phillipines are an island nation, have active volcanos, have their own language, and that the people seem to be found working all over Asia and Australia, according to a friend, and that my cousin married a young, very pretty lady from there.
Posted May 2, 2011, 3:40 am |
ToyVoyagers Fanatic

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I know some American holiday Halloween,Thankgiving I know a bit of school system.Hamburgers,huge shopping malls,big people. Also huge high schools and Hollywood movies : D People like small talk and tell everyone they love and miss you.
The language they spoke there mainly is English and America was first discovered by Columbus.
: )
......................... My toys:Miilylost in way from Australia to China,Jelle is enjoying life in USA,Brinda spends time in Germany
I've been host mum for:
Bertie The Duck,Pooh,Benjie Bunny,Vickie Mouseham,Odette,Purple Bun,Peti,Hinz&Kunz,Synapse,Baubles,PinkyBear
Currently hosting:
Hey! I can take new TV since August 2013 : ) I am busy now with 2 TVs : )
Posted May 20, 2011, 7:30 pm |
Last edited May 20, 2011, 7:31 pm by minnihiiru |
ToyVoyagers Fresher

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Ah, Estonia ...
I don't know a lot about Estonia I'm afraid. I know it's one of the Baltic countries.
Oh and I also liked your song on Eurovision I liked the background with the ferris wheel.
"1273 down the Rockefeller Street"
ToyVoyagers Freak

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Ah, Belgium.
Let's see, what I know is mostly from TV and movies, as I know that American schools don't cover Belgium well and Parisian trains really zip through Belgium on their way to Amsterdam. So, I know it has lovely streets with occasional shoot-outs from watching JCVD, and they have at least one really super detective, Poirot. And there's a rumor it has great chocolate, but is it better than Swiss?
What do you know about the U.S.?
But, first, I love and miss you all. Joke!
......................... I love hosting -- but I am not available right now. Wish I could, though! Please read this.
If you experience any bad behavior on this site, please send a PM to Admin. No need to take abuse even from a member claiming to be a top host.
With her friends, found a way to fly in Finland where I hope she will stay forever. It turns out she's more Finn than American. just lit up watching a beautiful Danish sunset. Timothy III and were treasure hunters in Bolivia. Henrik met on the shelf of a Wisconsin shop.
Posted May 21, 2011, 2:10 am |