Typing Game


Posted Jul 16, 2007, 5:29 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

1) Kristine
2) Kristine
3) Kristine
4) Ltosyone
5) Kridtibr
6) Kr8s68h3
7) Krfjkxstgfi n ed
8) Kristine (<- Proud of self)
9) KMrftikdxtgfikn d
10) Kristine

1) scott
2) scott
3) scott
4) sciee
5) sduww
6) scolot
7) sacott
8) scott
9) scokltgtg
10) scott

Your turn!

Posted Jul 16, 2007, 5:45 pm
[7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tounge

We want the pictures !!!!!!!!!! :cyclops:

Posted Jul 16, 2007, 5:50 pm
Mood said:

We want the pictures !!!!!!!!!! :cyclops:

As in Lalit pictures?  I'll take them tonight.  I forgot my camera memory card at my other house (my parents are split) and my camera doesn't work without it.  Tonight, I promise!

Posted Jul 16, 2007, 5:52 pm
1/ Mood
2/ mood
3/ mood
4/ Miid (<- nearly!)
5/ :llx
6/ lpood
7/ I'm not enough supple (and need to keep some crumbs of dignity...)
8/ ^àe
8/ try again : moode (big nose ???!!)
9/ m::!olodx
10/ tounge is not in my dictionary ???????

By the way ... How old are we all ?

Posted Jul 16, 2007, 5:58 pm
Mood said:

By the way ... How old are we all ? 

I'll be 14 this coming Sunday!  :cyclops:

Posted Jul 16, 2007, 8:01 pm
Mood said:

10/ tounge is not in my dictionary ???????

'Tounge' is supposed to be tongue.  Sorry!  Anyway, tongue in French is la langue.  Figured I'd clairify!

Posted Jul 18, 2007, 10:45 am
LilBroBigSis21 said:
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

Couldn't resist trying:
1) Beckakate
2. Beckakate
3. beckakate
4. beckakate
5. becjajhste
6. bechahate
7. can't reach! - will use Kalli's instead kall;i
8. b3cdfkiqwte
9. nberd4f  vc,k lszaghytrfde
10. not game enough to put my tongue on the keyboard. Who know's what's breeding there!


Posted Aug 21, 2007, 9:47 am
becka_kate said:

10. not game enough to put my tongue on the keyboard. Who know's what's breeding there!

lol .. i feel exactly the same way!

Posted Sep 9, 2007, 2:36 am
doesn't the 10 second rule apply to tongue typing?
ooooooh....say that 10 times real fast
tongue typing
tongue typing
tongue typing
tonk tucking

Posted Sep 9, 2007, 6:24 pm
ok, here goes.
3t lm
34 ytm
tongue tied
A Scottish Lass

Posted Jan 26, 2008, 2:16 pm
not brave enough to try some of these :D
Steve & Helly

Posted Jan 28, 2008, 12:53 pm
Here goes:
Steve & Helly (both hands)
Steve & Helly (R Hand)
Steve & Helly (L hand)
Stevebn 78Mhu4oo47 (Both, eyes closed)
Ft4gr GFrhh6 (R eyes closed)
Steger 7 R54OO8 (L eyes closed)
stw3ve 7 helly (Nose - I'm SO glad my boss didn't come out of his office then!)
xstyev er 7 hjner,ll,uyhj (Elbow - ditto above)

Toes and tongue I'll try in the privacy of my own home!! :cyclops:

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 12:26 am
Okey Dokey this should be fun given my username  :cyclops:
1. IttyBittyKitty 
2. IttyBittyKitty
3. IttyBittyKitty      ok so far, now the fun bit
4. IttyVittyKitty      hey hey pretty good well chuffed now
5. IttyBirrtKutty    left hand should be fun with eyes closed
6. OuuiNpuioluui    hmm can you tell i'm right handed?
7. tfgtfgyJJnbnbnrtghmlmkkjioyttyuhj    yeah ok enough said
8. Itty7GBit5tyKitty        ha got the hang of it sort of
9. UIrrttyV uyrrt5turrt5t      ahem  next one
10. IttyBittyKitty      yay!!  eeewww keys are wet lol

ok i got some serious funny looks from my hubby doing this and he is now wetting himself laughing at me typing with my tongue LOL!!  :p

Posted Apr 25, 2008, 8:51 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

Allright here we go haha
1. Eva
2. eva
3. eva
4. eva
5. evs
6. eva
7. ewvca
8. va
9. ed vza
10. eva (i have a very stronge tonque hahahaha)

Posted Aug 1, 2010, 3:33 pm
1. Kristee
2. Kristee
3. Kristee
4. Kristee
5. Kdjxgdd
6. Kristee  <--(NO WAY!!!  I ACTUALLY DID IT???)
7. Kristteee
8. Kristee
9. Krdistee
10. Kristee

I think I'm a little too good at this game... :o

Posted Oct 29, 2011, 6:39 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

4)rabbits (YAY! I did it!)
7)rabbits (that was gross)
10) too gross

Posted Oct 29, 2011, 8:17 pm
That was really fun!

Posted Nov 6, 2011, 7:48 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Tomi
2) Tomi
3) Tomi
4) Tomi
5) Tomi
6) Tomi
7) tzopm,io
8) 59j9
9) tomi
10) tomi

haha :D

Posted Nov 6, 2011, 9:23 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

1. leslie
2. leslie
3. leslie
4. leslie
5. lszlid
6. ñesliw
7. leslioe
8. leslie
9. lesdlime

Haha I had to stop for a while before doing it with my toes because there was someone looking at me lol :D
LittleBear Lightfoot

Posted Nov 11, 2011, 8:10 pm
1) Both Hands yona
2) Right Hand yona
3) Left Hand yona
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed yons
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed yons
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed yivA
7) Toes uygihnbzad
8) Nose yhlonjhas
9) Elbow yhkim hna
10) Tongue ewwww!!

Posted Nov 28, 2011, 11:14 pm

1) Eohippus
4) Eohipps (Not bad! :thinking: )
10) Eohippus (Usch i should wash the keys sometime! :rolleyes:)

Posted Mar 29, 2012, 7:46 pm
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue

1) mmm105
2) mmm105
3) mmm105
4) mmm194
5) kmjkj407
6) jnn295
7) m,kmm 1120o56t
8) m mmk105
9) mmmmn1095
10) mmmm15

Ha haa, it was fun! :D

Posted Feb 6, 2013, 10:32 am
hahaha thats funny!
Type your name or username the following ways:
1) Both Hands
2) Right Hand
3) Left Hand
4) Both Hands-Eyes Closed
5) Right Hand-Eyes Closed
6) Left Hand-Eyes Closed
7) Toes
8) Nose
9) Elbow
10) Tongue
2) Magdalena
8) magdalna

i know...no 7..but i have socks on my feet.
